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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8295974

jni_FatalError and Xcheck:jni warnings should print the native stack when there are no Java frames


    • b04

        JavaThread::print_stack_on is a no-op if there are no Java frames:

        void JavaThread::print_stack_on(outputStream* st) {
          if (!has_last_Java_frame()) return;

        But it is used to show where -Xcheck:jni warnings originate from and from jni_FatalError. That means that when the JNI code is executed at the top-level of a thread, such as in the launcher, with no Java code on the stack, then we get zero information about where the warning, or error, was generated. This makes tracking down such warnings very tedious.

        If there are no Java frames the JNI code should call the debug utility print_native_stack; though I note a second problem if we do that is that os::current_frame() will trigger an assertion in the frame code due to a NULL pc. So a little more effort is needed to make that work (I commented out the assertion and got the stack trace I wanted).

              dholmes David Holmes
              dholmes David Holmes
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