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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8300272

Improve readability of the test JarWithOneNonDisabledDigestAlg


        This PR attempts to make JarWithOneNonDisabledDigestAlg a little easier to read.

        - Some changes are made in the choice of algorithms and naming. The intent here is to reduce confusion and make the purpose of the test clearer:
        - Updated the enabled digestAlgorithm in use from SHA1 to SHA256. The use of SHA1 here seems just a bit confusing, since it has been considered weak for a while
        - The two different signer aliases are now named SIGNER1, SIGNER2 instead of the somewhat confusing SHA1, SHA256
        - Both signing keys are now generated with -sigalg SHA256withRSA since the sigalg of the keys does not seem to matter for this test

        There are also some general code cleanups:

        - Moved loading of the key store into the new method loadKeyStore
        - Updated checkThatJarIsSigned to take a parameter Map<String, Integer> representing the expected signer counts for each path in the JAR. This provides a cleaner separation between expectiations and the enforcement of expectations.
        - Introduced Path constants for various file names used throughout the test, reducing a number of redundant Path.of calls which seemed to clutter the code a bit
        Updated IO code to use new APIs, such as Files.newOutputStream, Files.newInputStream, InputStream.transferTo and OutputStream.nullOutputStream.
         -Added/updated some comments where appropriate

              weijun Weijun Wang
              weijun Weijun Wang
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