- is blocked by
JDK-8304831 TextFlow.hitTest.insertionIndex incorrect with surrogate pairs
- Resolved
JDK-8305001 TextFlow.caretShape() ignores inline Nodes
- Closed
- relates to
JDK-8319844 Text/TextFlow.hitTest() is incorrect in RTL orientation
- Resolved
JDK-8330590 TextInputControl: previous word fails with Bhojpuri characters
- Resolved
JDK-8309565 [Text] Enhance support for user-perceived characters (grapheme clusters)
- Open
JDK-8317120 RFE: TextFlow.rangeShape() ignores lineSpacing
- Open
JDK-8317122 RFE: TextFlow.preferredHeight ignores lineSpacing
- Open
JDK-8315048 Add Bullet Property to TextFlow
- Closed
JDK-8149134 [Text,TextFlow] Selection fill fails in subsequent Text nodes in TextFlow
- Open
JDK-8172867 Dead key sequences do not produce KEY_PRESSED and KEY_TYPED events on Linux.
- Open
JDK-8199094 TextFlow caretShape method returns wrong coordinates when TextFlow has left inset.
- Open
JDK-8318095 TextArea/TextFlow: wrong layout in RTL mode
- Open
JDK-8319050 Text/TextFlow.caretShape() and .rangeShape() wrong in RTL orientation
- Open
JDK-8089924 TextField/TextArea: on Windows, it takes two strokes to move the caret over the some complex text cluster.
- Open
JDK-8318840 TextArea: should see a split caret
- Open
JDK-8341438 TextFlow: incorrect caretShape(), hitTest(), rangeShape() with non-empty padding/border
- Open
JDK-8194704 Text/TextFlow hitTest() javadoc
- Resolved
JDK-8090775 Need font/text measurement API
- Open
JDK-8091189 Move BehaviorBase into public API
- Open
JDK-8091337 [TextInputControl] Provide caretBlinkRate property
- Open
JDK-8091616 Prism: font: ligature and kerning support
- Open
JDK-8090849 Add possibility to get caret screen coordinates for TextArea/TextField and maybe future rich text control
- Open
JDK-8091012 [Text] No way to distinguish between a hit to the last character and a hit beyond the end of text
- Open
JDK-8091150 Soft hyphen support for TextFlow
- Open
JDK-8091714 [TextArea] add option about resizing to fit content.
- Open
JDK-8091976 Expose TextInputControl undo(), redo(), canUndo(), canRedo() methods
- Open
JDK-8092100 Text needs to support letter spacing
- Open
JDK-8092191 Add methods to get the FontPosture and FontWeight of a given font.
- Open
JDK-8092327 [Text] Add API to count chars in a cluster
- Open
JDK-8231014 Add first line text indent support for javafx.scene.text.TextFlow
- Open
JDK-8303015 Text/TextFlow: support overflow-wrap
- Open
JDK-8303023 Text/TextFlow: support line-break property CJK
- Open
JDK-8319140 Consider exposing the input language with the Platform Preference API
- Open
JDK-8341671 [Text/TextFlow] getCaretInfo
- Open
JDK-8091709 Rich text support in controls
- Open
JDK-8314482 Add Text / TextFlow tab stops
- In Progress
JDK-8341670 [Text,TextFlow] Public API for Text Layout Info
- In Progress
JDK-8301121 RichTextArea Control (Incubator)
- Resolved
JDK-8307363 TextFlow.underlineShape()
- Resolved
JDK-8090955 Impossible to set the tabulation indentation size in Text
- Closed
JDK-8091043 RichTextArea component (reading & editing)
- Closed
JDK-8092278 Text should have API for selecting group of characters based on their position similar to the DOM's Range.
- Closed
JDK-8303021 Text/TextFlow: support hyphens property
- Closed
JDK-8091562 Manage individual blocks of text inside a TextArea as if they were a Node
- Closed