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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8302143

Speed up UnsafeIntrinsicsTest.java


    • gc


      Z and Shenandoah runs both take about 25 sec each, so a total of 50sec. This is one of the slowest tests in tier1.

      compiler/gcbarriers/UnsafeIntrinsicsTest_Z.jtr 24278
      compiler/gcbarriers/UnsafeIntrinsicsTest_Shenandoah.jtr 23412

      It seems that it runs 5 subtests, and that all of them are supposed to take 4 seconds.
      This would therefore take at least 20sec.

      Is this justified? Could we do it in fewer seconds?
      If we need to keep it as is, can we move it to a higher tier?

      We can split the 5 subtasks into separate run statements, at least this makes it run in parallel.
      Probably moving it as high as tier5 could be ok.

            epeter Emanuel Peter
            epeter Emanuel Peter
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