Remove the -XX:SuppressErrorAt=cstr develop option. This option is used to ignore failed assertions at the indicated places, continuing execution as if the assertion had passed or not been present.
Continuing from a failed assertion is often problematic. The following code likely really does depend on the asserted state for correct execution. Some of the possible behaviors include crashes and computing incorrect results.
Also, this feature is blockingJDK-8302189.
This option exists from the very early days of HotSpot.
A use-case for this feature is using a debug build while attempting to reproduce a product failure. The idea is to skip the assertion failure and see if things fail in the same manner as the product failure. This could also be accomplished by rebuilding the debug build with the failing assertion commented out. That used to be a fairly unpleasant prospect because build times were so long. That's *much* less of a problem now. And a failing assertion is likely a pretty good indication of the problem anyway.
Continuing from a failed assertion is often problematic. The following code likely really does depend on the asserted state for correct execution. Some of the possible behaviors include crashes and computing incorrect results.
Also, this feature is blocking
This option exists from the very early days of HotSpot.
A use-case for this feature is using a debug build while attempting to reproduce a product failure. The idea is to skip the assertion failure and see if things fail in the same manner as the product failure. This could also be accomplished by rebuilding the debug build with the failing assertion commented out. That used to be a fairly unpleasant prospect because build times were so long. That's *much* less of a problem now. And a failing assertion is likely a pretty good indication of the problem anyway.
- blocks
JDK-8302189 Mark assertion failures noreturn
- Resolved