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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8304671

javac regression: Compilation with --release 8 fails on underscore in enum identifiers


    • b10
    • 14
    • b16
    • generic
    • generic

        Using the underscore '_' as identifier was forbidden with JDK 9, however still allowed for JDK8. Hence the attached example coding should compile with the javac option '--release 8'.

        This fails to work with JDK14 (and newer):
        OpenJDK\14\bin\javac --release 8 UnderscoreEnum.java
        UnderscoreEnum.java:4: error: enum constant expected here
                NULL(null), _("&&"), __("||"), OR("OR");
        UnderscoreEnum.java:4: warning: as of release 9, '_' is a keyword, and may not be used as an identifier
                NULL(null), _("&&"), __("||"), OR("OR");
        UnderscoreEnum.java:4: error: illegal start of type
                NULL(null), _("&&"), __("||"), OR("OR");
        UnderscoreEnum.java:9: error: illegal start of expression
                CCEnum(final String value) {
        UnderscoreEnum.java:9: error: ';' expected
                CCEnum(final String value) {
        4 errors
        1 warning

        With JDK13 or below, it still works nicely:
        OpenJDK\13\bin\javac.exe --release 8 UnderscoreEnum.java
        UnderscoreEnum.java:4: warning: as of release 9, '_' is a keyword, and may not be used as an identifier
                NULL(null), _("&&"), __("||"), OR("OR");
        1 warning

        Simple identifiers named '_' work with --release 8 (or -source 8); but when used in enum the compatibility breaks.

              jlahoda Jan Lahoda
              mbaesken Matthias Baesken
              0 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue
