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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8307176

Monkey Tester Application Part 2


    • b11

      Further changes to the MonkeyTester application:

      User preferences location:
      The applications stores its user preferences (window location, etc.) in ~/.MonkeyTester directory.
      - To use a different directory, redefine the "user.home" system property, -Duser.home=<...>.
      - To disable saving, specify -Ddisable.settings=true vm agrument.

      - ✔ replace setId() with some other way of setting component name
      - ✔ change property for ui.settings dir
      - ✔ add pie chart
      - ✔ ComboBox: The current two buttons don't seem all that useful. I'm not even sure what, exactly, they do. What would be useful is a way to select the number of items in the list (like there is with ChoiceBox)
      - ✔ ListView: Changing the selection model or checking / unchecking the "null focus model" option clears the list, which is unexpected. Given that there is a separate "clear list" button, it doesn't seem needed either.
      - ✔ TextField: The default alignment of BASELINE_RIGHT is unexpected (unless there is a good reason, defaults for properties should match the API default to avoid surprises).
      - ✔ Menu item: Window --> Open Modal Window "Platform.exit()" should not be the default choice (if you press <ENTER> the app will exit)
      - ✔ TableView: The column sorting feature would be more useful if it were possible to have different data for each row
      - ✔ Add Skin -> (null skin, set new skin) menus to all related controls to enable leak tests
      - ✔ TableView: cell factory, cell value factory
      - ✔ TreeTableView: cell factory
      - ✔ TreeView: cell factory
      - ✔ add massive CJK text for JDK-8090110 / JDK-8089418
      - ✔ clipboard monitor tool
      - ✔ add to the status bar: JVM version, JFX version, current directory, screen scale
      - ✔ WebView page
      - ✔ Tools -> Keyboard Events Viewer
      - ✔ System Info tool that reports all the details about the environment such as reported OS version, number of displays, env, system properties

      To be continued... JDK-8316372

            angorya Andy Goryachev
            angorya Andy Goryachev
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