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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8307407

Specify that SecureRandom.nextBytes(byte[]) throws NullPointerException when byte array is null


    • Icon: CSR CSR
    • Resolution: Approved
    • Icon: P4 P4
    • 21
    • security-libs
    • None
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      All existing JDK provider implementations of SecureRandom.nextBytes(byte[] bytes) method (except SunPKCS11 provider) throws NullPointerException when 'bytes' is null. So, existing callers should already encounter NullPointerException unless they only exclusively use SunPKCS11 provider. Even if only using SunPKCS11 provider, calling SecureRandom.nextBytes(null) does not accomplish much and thus should be very rare.
      All existing JDK provider implementations of SecureRandom.nextBytes(byte[] bytes) method (except SunPKCS11 provider) throws NullPointerException when 'bytes' is null. So, existing callers should already encounter NullPointerException unless they only exclusively use SunPKCS11 provider. Even if only using SunPKCS11 provider, calling SecureRandom.nextBytes(null) does not accomplish much and thus should be very rare.
    • Java API
    • SE


      Document the java.security.SecureRandom.nextBytes(byte[] bytes) method throws NullPointerException when the specified 'bytes' is null. Same goes for the SecureRandom(byte[] seed) constructor and setSeed(byte[] seed) method.</p> <h2>Problem</h2> <p>java.security.SecureRandom.nextBytes(byte[] bytes) does not specify the behavior when the 'bytes' argument is null. This is inconsistent to the java.util.Random.nextBytes(byte[] bytes) and java.security.SecureRandom.nextBytes(byte[] bytes, SecureRandomParameters params) methods which specify to throw NullPointerException when 'bytes' is null. This inconsistency is an oversight and should be fixed. As for the SecureRandom(byte[]) constructor and setSeed(byte[] seed) method, the implementation already throws NullPointerException. Adding the javadoc specification is to match existing impl.


      Update the javadoc of the forementioned methods of java.security.SecureRandom class to document the NullPointerException and enforce them if not already.


      Update the java.security.SecureRandom class as below:

      @@ -255,13 +255,15 @@
            * "{@docRoot}/../specs/security/standard-names.html#securerandom-number-generation-algorithms">
            * Java Security Standard Algorithm Names Specification</a>
            * for information about standard RNG algorithm names.
            * @param seed the seed.
      +     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code seed} is {@code null}
           public SecureRandom(byte[] seed) {
      +        Objects.requireNonNull(seed);
               getDefaultPRNG(true, seed);
               this.threadSafe = getThreadSafe();
           private void getDefaultPRNG(boolean setSeed, byte[] seed) {
      @@ -704,14 +706,16 @@
            * {@code setSeed} is called before any {@code nextBytes} or {@code reseed}
            * calls. The caller should make sure that the {@code seed} argument
            * contains enough entropy for the security of this {@code SecureRandom}.
            * @param seed the seed.
      +     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code seed} is {@code null}
            * @see #getSeed
           public void setSeed(byte[] seed) {
      +        Objects.requireNonNull(seed);
               if (threadSafe) {
               } else {
                   synchronized (this) {
      @@ -753,13 +757,15 @@
            * Generates a user-specified number of random bytes.
            * @param bytes the array to be filled in with random bytes.
      +     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code bytes} is {@code null}
           public void nextBytes(byte[] bytes) {
      +        Objects.requireNonNull(bytes);
               if (threadSafe) {
               } else {
                   synchronized (this) {
      @@ -771,11 +777,11 @@
            * Generates a user-specified number of random bytes with
            * additional parameters.
            * @param bytes the array to be filled in with random bytes
            * @param params additional parameters
      -     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code bytes} is null
      +     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code bytes} is {@code null}
            * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the underlying provider
            *         implementation has not overridden this method
            * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code params} is {@code null},
            *         illegal or unsupported by this {@code SecureRandom}

            valeriep Valerie Peng
            weijun Weijun Wang
            Sean Mullan
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
