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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8311097

Synchron XMLHttpRequest not receiving data


    • web
    • b08
    • windows

        Since an updated Webkit, synchron XMLHttpRequests do not receive the full data.
        Debugging shows, that the call to "twkDidReceiveData" in
        com.sun.webkit.network.URLLoader receives a buffer with the full length of received data. However the Network-dataReceived entry from the WebView-Debugger only shows 1 byte of data.

        Attached is a sample gradle project, that uses undertow to demonstrate this.
        This opens a WebViews, that has two links with onClick-handlers for XMLHttpRequests.
        In both cases a line with "["N","J","","_","1030924534.5084621120561509448.7657568095387879952.0.0",3,"469033f83c8474486a45259c78f58a10"]" should be written to System.out.

        On "Sync" only "[" is written.

              bae Andrew Brygin
              oschmidtmer Oliver Schmidtmer
              0 Vote for this issue
              7 Start watching this issue
