java command allows the -Xdebug option to be specified. As noted in the documentation (dating as far back as Java 8), this option is only there for backward compatibility and currently does nothing
> -Xdebug
> Does nothing. Provided for backward compatibility.
There are several scripts where this outdated option is still used (mostly due to copy/paste). This current enhancement proposes to officially deprecate this option for removal.
> -Xdebug
> Does nothing. Provided for backward compatibility.
There are several scripts where this outdated option is still used (mostly due to copy/paste). This current enhancement proposes to officially deprecate this option for removal.
- csr for
JDK-8312216 Deprecate for removal the -Xdebug option
- Closed
- duplicates
JDK-8227229 Deprecate the launcher -Xdebug/-debug flags that have not done anything since Java 6
- Resolved