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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8313005

Ensure native access check can fold away


    • Icon: Enhancement Enhancement
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: P3 P3
    • None
    • repo-panama
    • core-libs

      Ensure that the native access check for restricted methods can fold away when it is found on the hot path.

      Given a simple method such as:

          public static byte payload(long addr) {
              return (byte) BYTE_HANDLE.get(addr);

      Where BYTE_HANDLE constructs a MemorySegment out of the given address like so:

          static MemorySegment ofAddressUnsafe(long address) {
              return MemorySegment.ofAddress(address).reinterpret(8);

      We see the following preamble in the generated assembly:

        0x0000017dddbc60ba: movabs r10, 0x44080a8d0 ; {oop(a 'java/lang/Class'{0x000000044080a8d0} = 'jdk/internal/access/SharedSecrets')}
        0x0000017dddbc60c4: mov r11d, dword ptr [r10 + 0x7c]
        0x0000017dddbc60c8: movabs r10, 0x440893d00 ; {oop(a 'java/lang/Class'{0x0000000440893d00} = 'Reinterpret')}
        0x0000017dddbc60d2: mov r8d, dword ptr [r10 + 0x30]
        0x0000017dddbc60d6: mov r10d, dword ptr [r12 + r11*8 + 8]
                                                                  ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x0000017dddbc6144
        0x0000017dddbc60db: cmp r10d, 0x18128 ; {metadata('java/lang/System$2')}
        0x0000017dddbc60e2: jne 0x17dddbc6107
        0x0000017dddbc60e4: mov ebp, dword ptr [r12 + r8*8 + 0x1c]
                                                                  ; implicit exception: dispatches to 0x0000017dddbc615c
        0x0000017dddbc60e9: test ebp, ebp
        0x0000017dddbc60eb: jne 0x17dddbc6128

      From this we can draw 2 conclusions:

        1. The `module` field in java.lang.Class is not seen as a constant.
        2. The used of SharedSecrets generates some kind of type check.

      Both of these issues are easy to avoid, and would allow us to fold away all these additional checks.

            jvernee Jorn Vernee
            jvernee Jorn Vernee
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