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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8313638

Add test for dump of resolved references


    • b16

        The change in JDK-8306582 revealed that the state of the resolved references array is not checked in the CDS archive.

        If we want to add a test case, I would suggest adding a WhiteBox method like:

        public native Object[] getResolvedReferences(Class<?> c);

        This would return the resolved_references array for this class.

        The test class would look like this:

        class TestApp {
            static String foo = "fooString";
            static String bar = "barString";

            public void main(String args[]) {
                Object[] resolvedReferences = wb.getResolvedReferences(TestApp.class);

                ... resolvedReferences must be non null for classes in the static archive
                ... the test needs to have @requires vm.cds.write.archived.java.heap

                bool foundFoo = false;
                bool foundBar = false;
                for (Object o : resolvedReferences) {
                    foundFoo |= (o == foo);
                    foundBar |= (o == bar);

                ... foo and bar must have been found
                ... CDS resolves all of the string literals used by the TestApp and stores
                ... them inside the resolvedReferences array.

        The new test can live under test/hotspot/jtreg/runtime/cds/appcds/sharedStrings

              matsaave Matias Saavedra Silva
              matsaave Matias Saavedra Silva
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