Adding Region.snapInnerSpaceX() and Region.snapInnerSpaceY() with the semantics of floor() operation to complement existing snapPositionX/Y and snapPortionX/Y methods.
Some layout calculations need the snapped coordinates not to exceed some available space, such as width of the table header. There are existing snapPortionX/Y methods with the required semantics, but they are not public.
The solution is to add two new public methods.
+ /**
+ * If this region's snapToPixel property is true, then the value is either floored (positive values) or
+ * ceiled (negative values) with a scale. When the absolute value of the given value
+ * multiplied by the current scale is less than 10^15, then this method guarantees that:
+ *
+ * <pre>snapInnerSpaceX(snapInnerSpaceX(value)) == snapInnerSpaceX(value)</pre>
+ *
+ * The limit is about 10^15 because double values will no longer be able to represent
+ * larger integers with exact precision beyond this limit.
+ *
+ * @since 22
+ * @param value The value that needs to be snapped
+ * @return value either as passed, or floored or ceiled with scale, based on snapToPixel property
+ */
+ public double snapInnerSpaceX(double value) {
+ return snapPortionX(value, isSnapToPixel());
+ }
+ /**
+ * If this region's snapToPixel property is true, then the value is either floored (positive values) or
+ * ceiled (negative values) with a scale. When the absolute value of the given value
+ * multiplied by the current scale is less than 10^15, then this method guarantees that:
+ *
+ * <pre>snapInnerSpaceY(snapInnerSpaceY(value)) == snapInnerSpaceY(value)</pre>
+ *
+ * The limit is about 10^15 because double values will no longer be able to represent
+ * larger integers with exact precision beyond this limit.
+ *
+ * @since 22
+ * @param value The value that needs to be snapped
+ * @return value either as passed, or floored or ceiled with scale, based on snapToPixel property
+ */
+ public double snapInnerSpaceY(double value) {
+ return snapPortionY(value, isSnapToPixel());
+ }
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JDK-8311527 Region.snapInnerSpace*()
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