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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8315844

$LSB_RELEASE is not defined before use


      When configuring I'm seeing the following error message printed:

          /build/.configure-support/generated-configure.sh: line 13102: -d: command not found

      The corresponding line in generated-configure.sh is:

              WSL_DISTRIBUTION=`$LSB_RELEASE -d | sed 's/Description:\t//'`

      Which seems to be coming from make/autoconf/basic_windows.m4 (line 137)

      If I type `lsb_release -d` in a shell it seems to work as expected:

          jorn@Jorn-PC:/mnt/c/Users/Jorn$ lsb_release -d
          Description: Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS

      So, it seems like the `LSB_RELEASE` variable is not set. It seems like we try to set it in `basic_tools.m4`:

          UTIL_LOOKUP_PROGS(LSB_RELEASE, lsb_release)

      However, this lookup seems to run after checking the wsl distribution.

      I see first in the configure log:

          checking wsl distribution... /mnt/h/openjdk/git-jdk2/build/.configure-support/generated-configure.sh: line 13102: -d: command not found

      and then later I see:

          checking for lsb_release... /usr/bin/lsb_release

      The error doesn't seem to affect the rest of the build though, and I've not run into any trouble so far by ignoring it.

      I can make the error go away by specifying `LSB_RELEASE=lsb_release` on the command line when running configure.

      I'm using WSL 1 on Windows 11.

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            jvernee Jorn Vernee
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