Correct the prefix and suffix portion of pattern syntax for Decimal / CompactNumber Format.
Both of the Format classes list the suffix and prefix as allowing: "any Unicode characters except U+FFFE, U+FFFF, and special characters".
However, U+FFFE and U+FFFF are both able to be included in the pattern syntax with no exception thrown.
E.g. (For clarification, in the example, the U+FFFE and U+FFFF characters are replaced by U+FFFD / replacement character)
String uFFFE = "\uFFFE";
String uFFFF = "\uFFFF";
var a = new DecimalFormat("prefixStart"+uFFFE+"0.00"+uFFFF+"SuffixEnd");
a.format(1); // returns "prefixStart�1.00�SuffixEnd"
Remove U+FFFE and U+FFFF from both the prefix and suffix definition. Also remove 'Unicode', as a Java character is composed of Unicode codepoints.
* <i>Prefix:</i>
- * Any Unicode characters except {@code U+FFFE}, {@code U+FFFF}, and
- * {@linkplain DecimalFormat##special_pattern_character special characters}.
+ * Any characters except the {@linkplain
+ * DecimalFormat##special_pattern_character special pattern characters}
* <i>Suffix:</i>
- * Any Unicode characters except {@code U+FFFE}, {@code U+FFFF}, and
- * {@linkplain DecimalFormat##special_pattern_character special characters}.
+ * Any characters except the {@linkplain
+ * DecimalFormat##special_pattern_character special pattern characters}
* <i>Prefix:</i>
- * any Unicode characters except {@code U+FFFE}, {@code U+FFFF}, and special characters
+ * Any characters except the {@linkplain ##special_pattern_character
+ * special pattern characters}
* <i>Suffix:</i>
- * any Unicode characters except {@code U+FFFE}, {@code U+FFFF}, and special characters
+ * Any characters except the {@linkplain ##special_pattern_character
+ * special pattern characters}
* <i>Number:</i>
* <i>Integer</i> <i>Exponent<sub>opt</sub></i>
* <i>Integer</i> . <i>Fraction</i> <i>Exponent<sub>opt</sub></i>
- csr of
JDK-8315946 DecimalFormat and CompactNumberFormat do allow U+FFFE and U+FFFF in the pattern
- Resolved