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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8316156

ByteArrayInputStream.transferTo causes MaxDirectMemorySize overflow


    • b16
    • Verified

        Consider the following:
                try (FileChannel fc = FileChannel.open(file, CREATE, WRITE)) {
                    OutputStream out = Channels.newOutputStream(fc);
                    byte[] b = new byte[10*1024*1024];
        This will invoke FileChannel.write with a BB that is backed by the byte array, this needs to be copied into a direct buffer to do the actual I/O. In this case, it will allocate a temporary direct buffer of 10Mb.

        There is an argument that the channel implementations should limit their direct memory usage but these are low-level classes. It may be better to limit the writes to the channels instead, e.g. ChannelOutputStream.writeFully could be work like this:

            private void writeFully(ByteBuffer bb) throws IOException {
                int pos = bb.position();
                int rem = bb.limit() - pos;
                while (rem > 0) {
                    bb.limit(pos + Integer.min(rem, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE));
                    int n = ch.write(bb);
                    if (n <= 0)
                        throw new RuntimeException("no bytes written");
                    pos += n;
                    rem -=n;

              bpb Brian Burkhalter
              alanb Alan Bateman
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