Some j.text.Format classes provide pattern setting methods in the form of the applyPattern method. For example, ChoiceFormat, MessageFormat, DecimalFormat, and SimpleDateFormat. The former two call this method in their constructor(s).
As this method is public and non-final, it can be overridden by a subclass.
If subclasses override any of these methods, the changes may be reflected in the constructors as well.
Both the public methods and constructors should call a separate private method
As this method is public and non-final, it can be overridden by a subclass.
If subclasses override any of these methods, the changes may be reflected in the constructors as well.
Both the public methods and constructors should call a separate private method
- csr for
JDK-8317630 ChoiceFormat and MessageFormat constructors call non-final public method
- Closed