Resolution: Delivered
Enhance the Stream API to support custom intermediate operations. This will allow stream pipelines to transform data in ways that are not easily achievable with the existing built-in intermediate operations. This is a preview API.
Make stream pipelines more flexible and expressive.
Insofar as possible, allow custom intermediate operations to manipulate streams of infinite size.
It is not a goal to change the Java programming language to better facilitate stream processing.
It is not a goal to special-case the compilation of code that uses the Stream API.
Java 8 introduced the first API designed specifically for lambda expressions: the Stream API, <code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743186331635-0.3029320530206798">java.util.stream</code>. A stream is a lazily computed, potentially unbounded sequence of values. The API supports the ability to process a stream either sequentially or in parallel.
A stream pipeline consists of three parts: a source of elements, any number of intermediate operations, and a terminal operation. For example:
long numberOfWords =
Stream.of("the", "", "fox", "jumps", "over", "the", "", "dog") // (1)
.filter(Predicate.not(String::isEmpty)) // (2)
.collect(Collectors.counting()); // (3)
This programming style is both expressive and efficient. With the builder-style API, each intermediate operation returns a new stream; evaluation begins only when a terminal operation is invoked. In this example, line (1) creates a stream, but does not evaluate it, line (2) sets up an intermediate filter
operation but still does not evaluate the stream, and finally the terminal collect
operation on line (3) evaluates the entire stream pipeline.
The Stream API provides a reasonably rich, albeit fixed, set of intermediate and terminal operations: mapping, filtering, reduction, sorting, and so forth. It also includes an extensible terminal operation, Stream::collect
, which enables the output of a pipeline to be summarized in a variety of ways.
The use of streams in the Java ecosystem is by now pervasive, and ideal for many tasks, but the fixed set of intermediate operations means that some complex tasks cannot easily be expressed as stream pipelines. Either a required intermediate operation does not exist, or it exists but does not directly support the task.
As an example, suppose the task is to take a stream of strings and make it distinct, but with distinctness based on string length rather than content. That is, at most one string of length 1 should be emitted, and at most one string of length 2, and at most one string of length 3, and so forth. Ideally, the code would look something like this:
var result = Stream.of("foo", "bar", "baz", "quux")
.distinctBy(String::length) // Hypothetical
// result ==> [foo, quux]
Unfortunately, distinctBy
is not a built-in intermediate operation. The closest built-in operation, distinct
, tracks the elements it has already seen by using object equality to compare them. That is, distinct
is stateful but in this case uses the wrong state: We want it to track elements based on equality of string length, not string content. We could work around this limitation by declaring a class that defines object equality in terms of string length, wrapping each string in an instance of that class and applying distinct
to those instances. This expression of the task is not intuitive, however, and makes for code that is difficult to maintain:
record DistinctByLength(String str) {
@Override public boolean equals(Object obj) {
return obj instanceof DistinctByLength(String other)
&& str.length() == other.length();
@Override public int hashCode() {
return str == null ? 0 : Integer.hashCode(str.length());
var result = Stream.of("foo", "bar", "baz", "quux")
// result ==> [foo, quux]
As another example, suppose the task is to group elements into fixed-size groups of three, but retain only the first two groups: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ...]
should produce [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]
. Ideally, the code would look like this:
var result = Stream.iterate(0, i -> i + 1)
.windowFixed(3) // Hypothetical
// result ==> [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]
Unfortunately, no built-in intermediate operation supports this task. The best option is to place the fixed-window grouping logic in the terminal operation, by invoking collect
with a custom <code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743186331635-0.3029320530206798">Collector</code>. However, we must precede the collect
operation with a fixed-size limit
operation, since the collector cannot signal to collect
that it is finished while new elements are appearing — which happens forever with an infinite stream. Also, the task is inherently about ordered data, so it is not feasible to have the collector perform grouping in parallel, and it must signal this fact by throwing an exception if its combiner is invoked. The resulting code is difficult to understand:
var result
= Stream.iterate(0, i -> i + 1)
.limit(3 * 2)
() -> new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>(),
(groups, element) -> {
if (groups.isEmpty() || groups.getLast().size() == 3) {
var current = new ArrayList<Integer>();
} else {
(left, right) -> {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot be parallelized");
// result ==> [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]
Over the years, many new intermediate operations have been suggested for the Stream API. Most of them make sense when considered in isolation, but adding all of them would make the (already large) Stream API more difficult to learn because its operations would be less discoverable.
The designers of the Stream API understood that it would be desirable to have an extension point so that anyone could define intermediate stream operations. At the time, however, they did not know what that extension point should look like. It eventually became clear that the extension point for terminal operations, namely Stream::collect(Collector)
, was effective. We can now take a similar approach for intermediate operations.
In summary, more intermediate operations create more situational value, making streams a better fit for even more tasks. We should provide an API for custom intermediate operations that allows developers to transform finite and infinite streams in their preferred ways.
<code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743186331635-0.3029320530206798">Stream::gather(Gatherer)</code> is a new intermediate stream operation that processes the elements of a stream by applying a user-defined entity called a gatherer. With the gather
operation we can build efficient, parallel-ready streams that implement almost any intermediate operation. Stream::gather(Gatherer)
is to intermediate operations what Stream::collect(Collector)
is to terminal operations.
A gatherer represents a transform of the elements of a stream; it is an instance of the <code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743186331635-0.3029320530206798">java.util.stream.Gatherer</code> interface. Gatherers can transform elements in a one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, or many-to-many fashion. They can track previously seen elements in order to influence the transformation of later elements, they can short-circuit in order to transform infinite streams to finite ones, and they can enable parallel execution. For example, a gatherer can transform one input element to one output element until some condition becomes true, at which time it starts to transform one input element to two output elements.
A gatherer is defined by four functions that work together:
The optional initializer function provides an object that maintains private state while processing stream elements. For example, a gatherer can store the current element so that, the next time it is applied, it can compare the new element with the now-previous element and, say, emit only the larger of the two. In effect, such a gatherer transforms two input elements into one output element.
The integrator function integrates a new element from the input stream, possibly inspecting the private state object and possibly emitting elements to the output stream. It can also terminate processing before reaching the end of the input stream; for example, a gatherer searching for the largest of a stream of integers can terminate if it detects
.The optional combiner function can be used to evaluate the gatherer in parallel when the input stream is marked as parallel. If a gatherer is not parallel-capable then it can still be part of a parallel stream pipeline, but it is evaluated sequentially. This is useful for cases where an operation is inherently ordered in nature and thus cannot be parallelized.
The optional finisher function is invoked when there are no more input elements to consume. This function can inspect the private state object and, possibly, emit additional output elements. For example, a gatherer searching for a specific element amongst its input elements can report failure, say by throwing an exception, when its finisher is invoked.
When invoked, Stream::gather
performs the equivalent of the following steps:
Create a <code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743186331635-0.3029320530206798">Downstream</code> object which, when given an element of the gatherer’s output type, passes it to the next stage in the pipeline.
Obtain the gatherer’s private state object by invoking the
method of its initializer.Obtain the gatherer’s integrator by invoking its <code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743186331635-0.3029320530206798">integrator()</code> method.
While there are more input elements, invoke the integrator's integrate(...) method, passing it the state object, the next element, and the downstream object. Terminate if that method returns
.Obtain the gatherer’s finisher and invoke it with the state and downstream objects.
Every existing intermediate operation declared in the <code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743186331635-0.3029320530206798">Stream</code> interface can be implemented by invoking gather
with a gatherer that implements that operation. For example, given a stream of T
-typed elements, Stream::map
turns each T
element into a U
element by applying a function and then passes the U
element downstream; this is simply a stateless one-to-one gatherer. As another example, Stream::filter
takes a predicate that determines whether an input element should be passed downstream; this is simply a stateless one-to-many gatherer. In fact every stream pipeline is, conceptually, equivalent to
Built-in gatherers
We introduce the following built-in gatherers in the java.util.stream.Gatherers class:
<code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743186331635-0.3029320530206798">fold</code> is a stateful many-to-one gatherer which constructs an aggregate incrementally and emits that aggregate when no more input elements exist.
<code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743186331635-0.3029320530206798">mapConcurrent</code> is a stateful one-to-one gatherer which invokes a supplied function for each input element concurrently, up to a supplied limit.
<code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743186331635-0.3029320530206798">scan</code> is a stateful one-to-one gatherer which applies a supplied function to the current state and the current element to produce the next element, which it passes downstream.
<code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743186331635-0.3029320530206798">windowFixed</code> is a stateful many-to-many gatherer which groups input elements into lists of a supplied size, emitting the windows downstream when they are full.
<code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743186331635-0.3029320530206798">windowSliding</code> is a stateful many-to-many gatherer which groups input elements into lists of a supplied size. After the first window, each subsequent window is created from a copy of its predecessor by dropping the first element and appending the next element from the input stream..
Parallel evaluation
Parallel evaluation of a gatherer is split into two distinct modes. When a combiner is not provided, the stream library can still extract parallelism by executing upstream and downstream operations in parallel, analogous to a short-circuitable parallel().forEachOrdered()
operation. When a combiner is provided, parallel evaluation is analogous to a short-circuitable parallel().reduce()
Composing gatherers
Gatherers support composition via the <code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743186331635-0.3029320530206798">andThen(Gatherer)</code> method, which joins two gatherers where the first produces elements that the second can consume. This enables the creation of sophisticated gatherers by composing simpler ones, just like function composition. Semantically,
is equivalent to
Gatherers vs. collectors
The design of the Gatherer
interface is heavily influenced by the design of Collector
. The main differences are:
uses an <code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743186331635-0.3029320530206798">Integrator</code> instead of a <code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743186331635-0.3029320530206798">BiConsumer</code> for per-element processing because it needs an extra input parameter for the <code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743186331635-0.3029320530206798">Downstream</code> object, and because it needs to return aboolean
to indicate whether processing should continue.Gatherer
uses a <code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743186331635-0.3029320530206798">BiConsumer</code> for its finisher instead of a <code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743186331635-0.3029320530206798">Function</code> because it needs an extra input parameter for its <code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743186331635-0.3029320530206798">Downstream</code> object, and because it cannot return a result and thus isvoid
Example: Embracing the stream
Sometimes the lack of an appropriate intermediate operation forces us to evaluate a stream into a list and run our analysis logic in a loop. Suppose, for example, that we have a stream of temporally ordered temperature readings:
record Reading(Instant obtainedAt, int kelvins) {
Reading(String time, int kelvins) {
this(Instant.parse(time), kelvins);
static Stream<Reading> loadRecentReadings() {
// In reality these could be read from a file, a database,
// a service, or otherwise
return Stream.of(
new Reading("2023-09-21T10:15:30.00Z", 310),
new Reading("2023-09-21T10:15:31.00Z", 312),
new Reading("2023-09-21T10:15:32.00Z", 350),
new Reading("2023-09-21T10:15:33.00Z", 310)
Suppose, further, that we want to detect suspicious changes in this stream, defined as temperature changes of more than 30° Kelvin across two consecutive readings within a five-second window of time:
boolean isSuspicious(Reading previous, Reading next) {
return next.obtainedAt().isBefore(previous.obtainedAt().plusSeconds(5))
&& (next.kelvins() > previous.kelvins() + 30
|| next.kelvins() < previous.kelvins() - 30);
This requires a sequential scan of the input stream, so we must eschew declarative stream processing and implement our analysis imperatively:
List<List<Reading>> findSuspicious(Stream<Reading> source) {
var suspicious = new ArrayList<List<Reading>>();
Reading previous = null;
boolean hasPrevious = false;
for (Reading next : source.toList()) {
if (!hasPrevious) {
hasPrevious = true;
previous = next;
} else {
if (isSuspicious(previous, next))
suspicious.add(List.of(previous, next));
previous = next;
return suspicious;
var result = findSuspicious(Reading.loadRecentReadings());
// result ==> [[Reading[obtainedAt=2023-09-21T10:15:31Z, kelvins=312],
// Reading[obtainedAt=2023-09-21T10:15:32Z, kelvins=350]],
// [Reading[obtainedAt=2023-09-21T10:15:32Z, kelvins=350],
// Reading[obtainedAt=2023-09-21T10:15:33Z, kelvins=310]]]
With a gatherer, however, we can express this more succinctly:
List<List<Reading>> findSuspicious(Stream<Reading> source) {
return source.gather(Gatherers.windowSliding(2))
.filter(window -> (window.size() == 2
&& isSuspicious(window.get(0),
Example: Defining a gatherer
The <code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743186331635-0.3029320530206798">windowFixed</code> gatherer declared in the <code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743186331635-0.3029320530206798">Gatherers</code> class could be written as a direct implementation of the Gatherer
record WindowFixed<TR>(int windowSize)
implements Gatherer<TR, ArrayList<TR>, List<TR>>
public WindowFixed {
// Validate input
if (windowSize < 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("window size must be positive");
public Supplier<ArrayList<TR>> initializer() {
// Create an ArrayList to hold the current open window
return () -> new ArrayList<>(windowSize);
public Integrator<ArrayList<TR>, TR, List<TR>> integrator() {
// The integrator is invoked for each element consumed
return Gatherer.Integrator.ofGreedy((window, element, downstream) -> {
// Add the element to the current open window
// Until we reach our desired window size,
// return true to signal that more elements are desired
if (window.size() < windowSize)
return true;
// When the window is full, close it by creating a copy
var result = new ArrayList<TR>(window);
// Clear the window so the next can be started
// Send the closed window downstream
return downstream.push(result);
// The combiner is omitted since this operation is intrinsically sequential,
// and thus cannot be parallelized
public BiConsumer<ArrayList<TR>, Downstream<? super List<TR>>> finisher() {
// The finisher runs when there are no more elements to pass from
// the upstream
return (window, downstream) -> {
// If the downstream still accepts more elements and the current
// open window is non-empty, then send a copy of it downstream
if(!downstream.isRejecting() && !window.isEmpty()) {
downstream.push(new ArrayList<TR>(window));
Example usage:
jshell> Stream.of(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9).gather(new WindowFixed(3)).toList()
$1 ==> [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]
Example: An ad-hoc gatherer
The <code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743186331635-0.3029320530206798">windowFixed</code> gatherer could, alternatively, be written in an ad-hoc manner via the Gatherer.ofSequential(...)
factory method:
* Gathers elements into fixed-size groups. The last group may contain fewer
* elements.
* @param windowSize the maximum size of the groups
* @return a new gatherer which groups elements into fixed-size groups
* @param <TR> the type of elements the returned gatherer consumes and produces
static <TR> Gatherer<TR, ?, List<TR>> fixedWindow(int windowSize) {
// Validate input
if (windowSize < 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("window size must be non-zero");
// This gatherer is inherently order-dependent,
// so it should not be parallelized
return Gatherer.ofSequential(
// The initializer creates an ArrayList which holds the current
// open window
() -> new ArrayList<TR>(windowSize),
// The integrator is invoked for each element consumed
Gatherer.Integrator.ofGreedy((window, element, downstream) -> {
// Add the element to the current open window
// Until we reach our desired window size,
// return true to signal that more elements are desired
if (window.size() < windowSize)
return true;
// When window is full, close it by creating a copy
var result = new ArrayList<TR>(window);
// Clear the window so the next can be started
// Send the closed window downstream
return downstream.push(result);
// The combiner is omitted since this operation is intrinsically sequential,
// and thus cannot be parallelized
// The finisher runs when there are no more elements to pass from the upstream
(window, downstream) -> {
// If the downstream still accepts more elements and the current
// open window is non-empty then send a copy of it downstream
if(!downstream.isRejecting() && !window.isEmpty()) {
downstream.push(new ArrayList<TR>(window));
Example usage:
jshell> Stream.of(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9).gather(fixedWindow(3)).toList()
$1 ==> [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]
Example: A parallelizable gatherer
When used in a parallel stream, a gatherer is only evaluated in parallel if it provides a combiner function. This parallelizable gatherer, for example, emits at most one element based upon a supplied selector function:
static <TR> Gatherer<TR, ?, TR> selectOne(BinaryOperator<TR> selector) {
// Validate input
Objects.requireNonNull(selector, "selector must not be null");
// Private state to track information across elements
class State {
TR value; // The current best value
boolean hasValue; // true when value holds a valid value
// Use the `of` factory method to construct a gatherer given a set
// of functions for `initializer`, `integrator`, `combiner`, and `finisher`
return Gatherer.of(
// The initializer creates a new State instance
// The integrator; in this case we use `ofGreedy` to signal
// that this integerator will never short-circuit
Gatherer.Integrator.ofGreedy((state, element, downstream) -> {
if (!state.hasValue) {
// The first element, just save it
state.value = element;
state.hasValue = true;
} else {
// Select which value of the two to save, and save it
state.value = selector.apply(state.value, element);
return true;
// The combiner, used during parallel evaluation
(leftState, rightState) -> {
if (!leftState.hasValue) {
// If no value on the left, return the right
return rightState;
} else if (!rightState.hasValue) {
// If no value on the right, return the left
return leftState;
} else {
// If both sides have values, select one of them to keep
// and store it in the leftState, as that will be returned
leftState.value = selector.apply(leftState.value,
return leftState;
// The finisher
(state, downstream) -> {
// Emit the selected value, if there is one, downstream
if (state.hasValue)
Example usage, on a stream of random integers:
jshell> Stream.generate(() -> ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt())
.limit(1000) // Take the first 1000 elements
.gather(selectOne(Math::max)) // Select the largest value seen
.parallel() // Execute in parallel
.findFirst() // Extract the largest value
$1 ==> Optional[99822]
We explored alternatives in a separate design document.
Risks and Assumptions
The use of custom gatherers, and of the built-in gatherers declared in the
class, will not be as succinct as the use of the built-in intermediate operations declared in theStream
class. The definition of custom gatherers will, however, be similar in complexity to the definition of custom collectors for terminalcollect
operations. The use of both custom and built-in gatherers will, moreover, be similar in complexity to the use of custom collectors and the built-in collectors declared in theCollectors
class.We might revise the set of built-in gatherers over the course of previewing this feature, and we might revise the set of built-in gatherers in future releases.
We will not add a new intermediate operation to the
class for each of the built-in gatherers defined in theGatherers
class, even though for the sake of uniformity it is tempting to do so. In order to preserve the learnability of theStream
class we will consider adding new intermediate operations to it only after experience suggests that they are broadly useful. We might add such methods in a later round of preview, or even after this feature is final. Exposing new built-in gatherers now does not preclude adding dedicatedStream
methods later.
- relates to
JDK-8319123 Implement JEP 461: Stream Gatherers (Preview)
- Resolved
JDK-8327844 JEP 473: Stream Gatherers (Second Preview)
- Closed