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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8320003

ClassFile API: The specification must explicitly define the format that is considered unsupported or invalid in a classfile..


    • Icon: Enhancement Enhancement
    • Resolution: Won't Fix
    • Icon: P3 P3
    • None
    • 22
    • core-libs

      The methods of the class ClassFile: ClassModel parse(byte[] bytes) and ClassModel parse(Path path) throws IOException
      state that they throw IllegalArgumentException if the classfile format is unsupported or invalid.
      The spec doesn’t clarify which format is interpreted as invalid/unsupported.
       It’s necessary to define how strict the class file parser is and which structures could be parsed and altered if needed.
      For example, if take a look at API MethodHandles.Lookup.defineHiddenClass(byte[] bytes, boolean initialize, MethodHandles.Lookup.ClassOption... options) throws IllegalAccessException
      The specification states that the method throws ClassCircularityError - if any of the superclasses or superinterfaces of C is C itself)
      But the file below is correct for ClassFile API although it’s negative for MethodHandles.Lookup.defineHiddenClass:
      public super class #7 /* EmptyBad01 */ version 66:0
        const #1 = Method #2.#3; // java/lang/Object."<init>":"()V"
        const #2 = class #4; // java/lang/Object
        const #3 = NameAndType #5:#6; // "<init>":"()V"
        const #4 = Utf8 "java/lang/Object";
        const #5 = Utf8 "<init>";
        const #6 = Utf8 "()V";
        const #7 = class #8; // EmptyBad01
        const #8 = Utf8 "javasoft/sqe/tests/api/java/lang/classfile/resources/EmptyBad01";
        const #9 = Utf8 "Code";

        super_class #7; // Circular reference: EmptyBad01

      Also the class file:
      public interface IEmptyBad01 version 1:0 {}
      is parsed without exceptions. Although something like *) is expected.

      *)UnsupportedClassVersionError - if bytes is not of a supported major or minor version

      Next example - corrupted class file that has constant_pool_count == 5 (instead of 7) causes 
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 58676 out of bounds for length 156
      Instead of the expected exception: IllegalArgumentException

      public interface IEmptyBad00 {
      class javasoft/sqe/tests/api/java/lang/classfile/resources/IEmptyBad00 {
        0; // minor version
        58; // version
        [5] { // Constant Pool // 5 is bad number instead of: 7
          ; // first element is empty
          class #2; // #1 at 0x0A
          Utf8 "javasoft/sqe/tests/api/java/lang/classfile/resources/IEmptyBad00"; // #2 at 0x0D
          class #4; // #3 at 0x4B
          Utf8 "java/lang/Object"; // #4 at 0x4E
          Utf8 "SourceFile"; // #5 at 0x61
          Utf8 "IEmptyBad00.java"; // #6 at 0x6E
        } // end of Constant Pool


        1. EmptyBad01.jasm
          1 kB
          Leonid Kuskov
        2. IEmptyBad00.jcod
          2 kB
          Leonid Kuskov
        3. IEmptyBad01.jasm
          0.7 kB
          Leonid Kuskov

            asotona Adam Sotona
            lkuskov Leonid Kuskov
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