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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8320365

IPPPrintService.getAttributes() causes blanket re-initialisation


    • b27

        Calling this sets to false a variable used to track whether attributes have
        been initialised.
        It does this to get current status of the printer, whether accepting jobs etc.
        But it triggers wholesale re-initialisation of everything, including if the prrinter supports color, the media available etc - in fact creating a new instance of CUPSPrinter every time if it is a CUPSPrinter.

        This is way too much work and is responsible for the problems described in
        JDK-7001133: OutOfMemoryError by CustomMediaSizeName implementation

        A specific fix for that may still be merited, but I'd like to address the bigger problem too.

              prr Philip Race
              prr Philip Race
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