import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
public class Annot {
public void doSomething(final Object x) {
if (x instanceof @TA Float) {
if (x instanceof @TA Boolean b) {
@interface TA {}
1. javap -v InstanceOfPatternVariable.class prints one use of @TA.
0: #19(): INSTANCEOF, offset=1
Check if that is a javac or a javap issue (most probably the second).
2.1st InstanceOfTree, getType() returns `@TA Float` while 2nd: InstanceOfTree, getType() only returns `Boolean`, without the type annotation attached.
For the second InstanceOfTree, getPattern() seems to return a BindingPatternTree that contains a VariableTree which has `@TA Boolean` type.
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
public class Annot {
public void doSomething(final Object x) {
if (x instanceof @TA Float) {
if (x instanceof @TA Boolean b) {
@interface TA {}
1. javap -v InstanceOfPatternVariable.class prints one use of @TA.
0: #19(): INSTANCEOF, offset=1
Check if that is a javac or a javap issue (most probably the second).
2.1st InstanceOfTree, getType() returns `@TA Float` while 2nd: InstanceOfTree, getType() only returns `Boolean`, without the type annotation attached.
For the second InstanceOfTree, getPattern() seems to return a BindingPatternTree that contains a VariableTree which has `@TA Boolean` type.