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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8322263

Validate c1 arraycopy destination registry


    • Icon: Enhancement Enhancement
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: P4 P4
    • tbd
    • 22, 23
    • hotspot

      While working on JDK-8302850 I ended up writing assembly code with this shape:

      void LIRGenerator::do_Clone(Intrinsic* x) {
          assert(x->number_of_arguments() == 1, "wrong type");

          CodeEmitInfo* info = state_for(x, x->state());

          LIRItem src(x->argument_at(0), this);
          ciType* src_type = src.value()->exact_type();

          LIRItem array(src.value(), this);
          LIR_Opr len = FrameMap::r19_opr;
          __ load(new LIR_Address(array.result(), arrayOopDesc::length_offset_in_bytes(), T_INT), len, info, lir_patch_none);

          LIR_Opr reg = result_register_for(x->type());
          LIR_Opr tmp1 = FrameMap::r10_oop_opr;
          LIR_Opr tmp2 = FrameMap::r11_oop_opr;
          LIR_Opr tmp3 = FrameMap::r5_oop_opr;
          LIR_Opr tmp4 = reg;
          LIR_Opr klass_reg = FrameMap::r3_metadata_opr;
          ciArrayKlass* array_klass = src_type->as_array_klass();
          BasicType elem_type = array_klass->element_type()->basic_type();

          __ metadata2reg(ciTypeArrayKlass::make(elem_type)->constant_encoding(), klass_reg);

          info = state_for(x, x->state()); // TODO is this right?
          CodeStub* slow_path = new NewTypeArrayStub(klass_reg, len, reg, info);
          __ allocate_array(reg, len, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, elem_type, klass_reg, slow_path);

          LIRItem src_pos(new Constant(new IntConstant(0)), this);
          LIR_Opr dst = FrameMap::as_opr(j_rarg2);
          __ move(reg, dst);
          LIRItem dst_pos(new Constant(new IntConstant(0)), this);
          LIR_Opr length = FrameMap::as_opr(j_rarg4);

          // operands for arraycopy must use fixed registers, otherwise
          // LinearScan will fail allocation (because arraycopy always needs a
          // call)

          // The java calling convention will give us enough registers
          // so that on the stub side the args will be perfect already.
          // On the other slow/special case side we call C and the arg
          // positions are not similar enough to pick one as the best.
          // Also because the java calling convention is a "shifted" version
          // of the C convention we can process the java args trivially into C
          // args without worry of overwriting during the xfer

          src.load_item_force (FrameMap::as_oop_opr(j_rarg0));
          src_pos.load_item_force (FrameMap::as_opr(j_rarg1));
          // __ move(dst, FrameMap::as_opr(j_rarg2));
          dst_pos.load_item_force (FrameMap::as_opr(j_rarg3));
          __ move(len, length);
          LIR_Opr tmp = FrameMap::as_opr(j_rarg5);

          int flags = 0;
          ciArrayKlass* expected_type = src_type->as_array_klass();

          __ arraycopy(src.result(), src_pos.result(), FrameMap::as_opr(j_rarg2), dst_pos.result(), length, tmp, expected_type, flags, info); // does add_safepoint

          LIR_Opr result = rlock_result(x);
          __ move(dst, result);

      Running that results in a sigsegv on x0 due to the result being in the destination registry `j_arg2`. I discussed this with Roland who pointed out that:

      I think the bug is that when you passed j_rarg2 to array_copy and use it afterwards, nothing tells you're doing something impossible. c1 knows j_rarg2 is killed by array_copy.

      The register allocator code should assert this rather than let it through and waiting for the runtime sigsegv.

      As a FYI, the issue is avoided if dst is placed in a different register. Here's an example that Roland suggested:

          LIR_Opr dst = new_register(T_OBJECT);
          __ move(reg, dst);
          __ move(dst, FrameMap::as_opr(j_rarg2));
          __ arraycopy(...);
          __ move(dst, result);

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            galder Galder ZamarreƱo
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