Several methods and constructor related to Charset handling were introduced in JDK 10. However, these methods lack the necessary @since tag. This affects the following methods:
1. Method `java.nio.channels.Channels:newReader(ReadableByteChannel, Charset)`
2. Method `java.nio.channels.Channels:newWriter(WritableByteChannel, Charset)`
3. Constructor `java.util.Formatter:<init>(String, Charset, Locale)`
4. Constructor `java.util.Formatter:<init>(File, Charset, Locale)`
5. Constructor `java.util.Formatter:<init>(OutputStream, Charset, Locale)`
These were introduced in JDK 10 but currently lack the appropriate @since information. The @since Tag needs to be added
1. Method `java.nio.channels.Channels:newReader(ReadableByteChannel, Charset)`
2. Method `java.nio.channels.Channels:newWriter(WritableByteChannel, Charset)`
3. Constructor `java.util.Formatter:<init>(String, Charset, Locale)`
4. Constructor `java.util.Formatter:<init>(File, Charset, Locale)`
5. Constructor `java.util.Formatter:<init>(OutputStream, Charset, Locale)`
These were introduced in JDK 10 but currently lack the appropriate @since information. The @since Tag needs to be added