Introduce a new
method for parsing IPv4 address literals in POSIX notation.
There are two distinct approaches to parsing IPv4 literal addresses. One is the Java baseline "strict" syntax (dotted-decimal forms family), and another one is the "loose" syntax of RFC 6943 section 3.1.1 "POSIX inet_addr allowing octal and hexadecimal forms".
It is not possible to construct an Inet4Address
object from an IPv4 address literal specified in the "loose" syntax notation. The existing Inet4Address.ofLiteral
method either rejects such literals (hexadecimal, byte part specified as octal greater than 0255) or accepts them with the octal prefix ignored.
Java could accept literal addresses in both notations when it's explicitly specified which form to use for interoperability with external tooling that supports the "loose" syntax.
Add a new .ofPosixLiteral()
factory method to the
class that accepts IPv4 literal addresses in POSIX "loose" notation.
The method is IPv4 specific as there's no equivalent in IPv6 that has only "strict" forms. This should be noted that, compared to the baseline Java algorithm implemented in .ofLiteral()
, the new method has an ovelapping set of arguments that produces different results, namely the octal numbers in range [010, 0255] that are parsed as decimal numbers in .ofLiteral()
, while being parsed as octal numbers in the proposed method. This is reflected in the specification change documented below.
Add the following note to
method header:
@@ -1722,6 +1722,7 @@ static InetAddress[] getAllByName0 (String host, boolean check)
* @throws NullPointerException if the {@code ipAddressLiteral} is {@code null}.
* @see Inet4Address#ofLiteral(String)
* @see Inet6Address#ofLiteral(String)
+ * @see Inet4Address#ofPosixLiteral(String)
* @since 22
public static InetAddress ofLiteral(String ipAddressLiteral) {
Change the
class summary:
@@ -70,9 +70,9 @@
* <p> When only one part is given, the value is stored directly in
* the network address without any byte rearrangement.
- * <p> These forms support parts specified in decimal format only.
- * For example, the following forms are supported by methods capable
- * of parsing textual representations of IPv4 addresses:
+ * <p> For example, the following (decimal) forms are supported by methods
+ * {@link Inet4Address#ofLiteral(String)} and {@link InetAddress#getByName(String)}
+ * capable of parsing textual representations of IPv4 addresses:
* {@snippet :
* // Dotted-decimal 'd.d.d.d' form with four part address literal
* InetAddress.getByName(""); // ==> /
@@ -93,8 +93,16 @@
* Inet4Address.ofLiteral("02130706689"); // ==> /
* }
+ * <p> The above forms adhere "strict" decimal-only syntax.
+ * Additionally, the {@link Inet4Address#ofPosixLiteral(String)}
+ * method implements a POSIX {@code inet_addr} compatible "loose"
+ * parsing algorithm, allowing octal and hexadecimal address segments.
+ * Please refer to <a href="">
+ * <i>RFC 6943: Issues in Identifier Comparison for Security
+ * Purposes</i></a>. Aside from {@code Inet4Address.ofPosixLiteral(String)}, all methods
+ * only support strict decimal parsing.
* <p> For methods that return a textual representation as output
- * value, the first form, i.e. a dotted-quad string, is used.
+ * value, the first form, i.e. a dotted-quad string in strict decimal notation, is used.
* <h3> The Scope of a Multicast Address </h3>
@@ -112,6 +120,8 @@
* RFC 2365: Administratively Scoped IP Multicast
* @spec
* RFC 790: Assigned numbers
+ * @spec
+ * RFC 6943: Issues in Identifier Comparison for Security Purposes
* @since 1.4
Add the following method to
+ /**
+ * Creates an {@code Inet4Address} based on the provided {@linkplain
+ * Inet4Address##format textual representation} of an IPv4 address in
+ * POSIX {@code inet_addr} compatible form.
+ * <p> <a id="format-posix"></a> The method {@code ofPosixLiteral}
+ * implements <a href="">
+ * POSIX {@code inet_addr}</a> compatible parsing algorithm, allowing
+ * octal and hexadecimal address segments. {@code "0"} is the prefix
+ * for octal numbers, {@code "0x"} and {@code "0X"} are the prefixes
+ * for hexadecimal numbers. Non-zero address segments that start from
+ * non-zero digits are parsed as decimal numbers. The following
+ * (non-decimal) forms are supported by this method:
+ * {@snippet :
+ * // Dotted-quad 'x.x.x.x' form with four part address literal
+ * Inet4Address.ofPosixLiteral("0177.0.0.1"); // ==> /
+ * Inet4Address.ofPosixLiteral("0x7F.0.0.1"); // ==> /
+ *
+ * // Dotted-triple 'x.x.x' form with three part address literal,
+ * // the last part is placed in the rightmost two bytes
+ * // of the constructed address
+ * Inet4Address.ofPosixLiteral("0177.0.0402"); // ==> /
+ * Inet4Address.ofPosixLiteral("0x7F.0.0x102"); // ==> /
+ *
+ * // Dotted-double 'x.x' form with two part address literal,
+ * // the last part is placed in the rightmost three bytes
+ * // of the constructed address
+ * Inet4Address.ofPosixLiteral("0177.0201003"); // ==> /
+ * Inet4Address.ofPosixLiteral("0x7F.0x10203"); // ==> /
+ * Inet4Address.ofPosixLiteral("127.66051"); // ==> /
+ *
+ * // Dotless 'x' form with one value that is stored directly in
+ * // the constructed address bytes without any rearrangement
+ * Inet4Address.ofPosixLiteral("0100401404"); // ==> /
+ * Inet4Address.ofPosixLiteral("0x1020304"); // ==> /
+ * Inet4Address.ofPosixLiteral("16909060"); // ==> /
+ * }
+ * <p> If the provided IPv4 address literal cannot represent a
+ * valid IPv4 address in {@linkplain Inet4Address##format-posix
+ * POSIX form} an {@code IllegalArgumentException} is thrown.
+ * <p> This method doesn't block, i.e. no hostname lookup is performed.
+ *
+ * @apiNote
+ * This method produces different results compared to {@linkplain Inet4Address#ofLiteral}
+ * when {@code posixIPAddressLiteral} parameter contains address segments with
+ * leading zeroes. An address segment with a leading zero is always parsed as an octal
+ * number by this method, therefore {@code 0255} (octal) will be parsed as
+ * {@code 173} (decimal). On the other hand, {@link Inet4Address#ofLiteral
+ * Inet4Address.ofLiteral} ignores leading zeros, parses all numbers as decimal and produces
+ * {@code 255}. Where this method would parse {@code 0256.0256.0256.0256} (octal) and
+ * produce {@code} (decimal) in four dotted quad notation,
+ * {@link Inet4Address#ofLiteral Inet4Address.ofLiteral} will throw
+ * {@code IllegalArgumentException}.
+ *
+ * @param posixIPAddressLiteral the textual representation of an IPv4 address.
+ * @return an {@link Inet4Address} object with no hostname set, and constructed
+ * from the provided IPv4 address literal.
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the {@code posixIPAddressLiteral} cannot be
+ * parsed as an IPv4 address literal.
+ * @throws NullPointerException if the {@code posixIPAddressLiteral} is {@code null}.
+ * @since 23
+ */
+ public static Inet4Address ofPosixLiteral(String posixIPAddressLiteral) {
- csr of
JDK-8315767 InetAddress: constructing objects from BSD literal addresses
- Resolved
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