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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8331283

[AArch64] C2: Register Allocator uses > 1GB in compiler/c2/TestFindNode.java


      Found while working on JDK-8331185.

      We use an abnormally high amount of memory (~1.03 GB) on aarch64 when compiling `compiler/c2/TestFindNode::test(()V)` with a lot of stress options:

      Compiler memory statistic (-XX:CompileCommand:memstat,*.*,print) shows:

      total NA RA result #nodes limit time type #rc thread method
      1158047584 36241176 1108022744 err 66123 - 22.191 c2 2 0x0000007fb431ef50 compiler/c2/TestFindNode::test(()V)
      669680 230080 208536 ok 224 - 1.191 c2 2 0x0000007fb431ef50 jdk/internal/util/ArraysSupport::signedHashCode((I[BII)I)
      669680 230080 241264 ok 274 - 1.697 c2 2 0x0000007fb431ef50 java/lang/StringCoding::countPositives(([BII)I)
      375128 99168 143080 ok 78 - 2.100 c2 1 0x0000007fb431ef50 java/lang/String::charAt((I)C)

      Allocation happens here:

      V [libjvm.so+0x62e004] Arena::Amalloc(unsigned long, AllocFailStrategy::AllocFailEnum)+0xb8 (arena.hpp:142)
      V [libjvm.so+0x135dce0] ResourceArea::allocate_bytes(unsigned long, AllocFailStrategy::AllocFailEnum)+0x2c (resourceArea.inline.hpp:35)
      V [libjvm.so+0x135a238] PhaseChaitin::Split(unsigned int, ResourceArea*)+0x358 (reg_split.cpp:555)
      V [libjvm.so+0x8344f4] PhaseChaitin::Register_Allocate()+0x660 (chaitin.cpp:553)
      V [libjvm.so+0x931a24] Compile::Code_Gen()+0x238 (compile.cpp:2988)


      where we allocate arrays in the split arena, which is a resource area, in a loop, depending on _cfg.number_of_blocks().

      On aarch64, `_cfg.number_of_blocks()` is *5984*.

      As a comparison, x64 takes 178 MB to compile that test method, and `_cfg.number_of_blocks()` is *52*:

      total NA RA result #nodes limit time type #rc thread method
      186990336 26844800 146984024 ok 43763 1024M 2.806 c2 2 0x00007f7df028ef60 compiler/c2/TestFindNode::test(()V)


      Reproduced on a Raspberry Pi 4 (but also reproducible on MacOS m1) with:

      export ADD_OPTIONS='-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:-TieredCompilation -XX:+StressArrayCopyMacroNode -XX:+StressLCM -XX:+StressGCM -XX:+StressIGVN -XX:+StressCCP -XX:+StressMacroExpansion -XX:+StressMethodHandleLinkerInlining -XX:+StressCompiledExceptionHandlers -XX:CompileCommand=memlimit,*.*,1G~crash -XX:CompileCommand=memstat,*::*,print'

      jtreg "-vmoptions:${ADD_OPTIONS}" ... /shared/projects/openjdk/jdk-jdk/source/test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/c2/TestFindNode.java

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