In NMT, when printing Summary information, we print:
Total: reserved=17838MB, committed=1141MB
malloc: 45MB #90495
mmap: reserved=17793MB, committed=1097MB
For each individual category, we print peak numbers too, e.g.:
- GC (reserved=384MB, committed=90MB)
(malloc=38MB #1534) (peak=38MB #1773)
(mmap: reserved=347MB, committed=53MB, at peak)
- Other (reserved=0MB, committed=0MB)
(malloc=0MB #1) (peak=512MB #67108865)
We should print out the total malloc footprint peak in the Totals section too.
Note that we cannot just simply add up the individual peaks, since there is no guarantee they happened at the same time. Instead, we need to keep total peak value and print that.
Total: reserved=17838MB, committed=1141MB
malloc: 45MB #90495
mmap: reserved=17793MB, committed=1097MB
For each individual category, we print peak numbers too, e.g.:
- GC (reserved=384MB, committed=90MB)
(malloc=38MB #1534) (peak=38MB #1773)
(mmap: reserved=347MB, committed=53MB, at peak)
- Other (reserved=0MB, committed=0MB)
(malloc=0MB #1) (peak=512MB #67108865)
We should print out the total malloc footprint peak in the Totals section too.
Note that we cannot just simply add up the individual peaks, since there is no guarantee they happened at the same time. Instead, we need to keep total peak value and print that.