Parsed command line data is passed into bundlers as "Map<String, ? super Object>" object. Almost every method in jpackage code base has "Map<String, ? super Object>" parameter (named "params").
There is a list of functional objects supposed to help extract specific data from "params" [1]. On top of that, every bundler defines its helper objects of type BundlerParamInfo.
For the caller passing "params" it is unclear what should be in these "params" to make a called function work.
On top of that "params" is not R/O, it is writable.
It is OK to have "params" in the command line parsing code but it must be replaced with class hierarchy in bundlers.
We already have LauncherData class [2] that encapsulates building launcher-specific data from "params". We need more classes like LauncherData to pass inside of bundlers code instead of "params".
There is a list of functional objects supposed to help extract specific data from "params" [1]. On top of that, every bundler defines its helper objects of type BundlerParamInfo.
For the caller passing "params" it is unclear what should be in these "params" to make a called function work.
On top of that "params" is not R/O, it is writable.
It is OK to have "params" in the command line parsing code but it must be replaced with class hierarchy in bundlers.
We already have LauncherData class [2] that encapsulates building launcher-specific data from "params". We need more classes like LauncherData to pass inside of bundlers code instead of "params".
- blocks
JDK-8333727 Use JOpt in jpackage to parse command line
- Open
- is blocked by
JDK-8344415 Restruct jpackage utility classes
- Resolved