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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8338487

compiler/loopopts/superword/TestDependencyOffsets.java times out


      Running with '-ea -esa -XX:CompileThreshold=100 -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -server -XX:-TieredCompilation' the test intermittently times out:


      [IREncodingPrinter] Disabling IR matching for rule 8 of 10 in testFloatP63: Not all feature constraints are met (applyIfCPUFeatureAnd): asimd, true, sve, false
      [IREncodingPrinter] Disabling IR matching for rule 9 of 10 in testFloatP63: Feature constraint not met (applyIfCPUFeature): sve, true

      Output overflow:
      JT Harness has limited the test output to the text
      at the beginning and the end, so that you can see how the
      test began, and how it completed.

      If you need to see more of the output from the test,
      set the system property javatest.maxOutputSize to a higher
      value. The current value is 100000

      bling IR matching for rule 7 of 10 in testByteP18: Not all feature constraints are met (applyIfCPUFeatureAnd): asimd, true, sve, false
      [IREncodingPrinter] Disabling IR matching for rule 8 of 10 in testByteP18: Not all feature constraints are met (applyIfCPUFeatureAnd): asimd, true, sve, false


      [IREncodingPrinter] Disabling IR matching for rule 9 of 10 in testFloatM31: Feature constraint not met (applyIfCPUFeature): sve, true
      [IREncodingPrinter] Disabling IR matching for rule 10 of 10 in testFloatM31: Feature constraint not met (applyIfCPUFeature): sve, true


      JavaTest Message: Test complete.

      result: Error. Agent error: java.lang.Exception: Agent 36 timed out with a timeout of 480 seconds; check console log for any additional details

      test result: Error. Agent error: java.lang.Exception: Agent 36 timed out with a timeout of 480 seconds; check console log for any additional details

            Unassigned Unassigned
            thartmann Tobias Hartmann
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            1 Start watching this issue
