Resolution: Approved
Changes to preview APIs have minimal compatibility risk.
Java API
Rename TypeKind
enum constants to follow code style and improve specifications.
enum constants are using upper camel case UpperCamelCase
, which violates Java convention of using upper snake case UPPER_SNAKE_CASE
. And TypeKind
is missing specifications and clarifications, such as:
- Subword types are represented as ints in the JVM; no mention on how they are converted.
is not really a type, and there's legacyreturnAddress
type not mentioned.AnnotationValue
couldn't explain why different types of constant values share entries without computational types.- Array load/store instructions don't mention that byte load/store also handles boolean load/stores.
- The
methods are useless and error prone, as descriptor is not a real descriptor for objects and some object descriptors like[I</code> for <code class="prettyprint" >int[]
does not start withL
- Rename
enum constants - Improve
specifications, mention computational types and subword type conversions and returnAddress. - Note in
is not sufficient for deriving annotation value due to computational types. - Note that array load/store for byte is also for boolean.
- Removed
and addedClassDesc upperBound()
; users can useupperBound().displayName()
--- a/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/classfile/AnnotationValue.java
+++ b/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/classfile/AnnotationValue.java
@@ -102,7 +102,9 @@ sealed interface OfConstant extends AnnotationValue {
* {@return the constant pool entry backing this constant element}
* @apiNote
- * Different types of constant values may share the same type of entry.
+ * Different types of constant values may share the same type of entry
+ * because they have the same {@linkplain TypeKind##computational-type
+ * computational type}.
* For example, {@link OfInt} and {@link OfChar} are both
* backed by {@link IntegerEntry}. Use {@link #resolvedValue
* resolvedValue()} for a value of accurate type.
--- a/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/classfile/Opcode.java
+++ b/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/classfile/Opcode.java
@@ -45,55 +45,55 @@ public enum Opcode {
- /** Load byte from array */
- BALOAD(ClassFile.BALOAD, 1, Kind.ARRAY_LOAD, TypeKind.ByteType),
+ /** Load byte or boolean from array */
+ BALOAD(ClassFile.BALOAD, 1, Kind.ARRAY_LOAD, TypeKind.BYTE),
- /** Store into byte array */
- BASTORE(ClassFile.BASTORE, 1, Kind.ARRAY_STORE, TypeKind.ByteType),
+ /** Store into byte or boolean array */
diff --git a/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/classfile/TypeKind.java b/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/classfile/TypeKind.java
index 5ba566b3d06..439da412893 100644
--- a/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/classfile/TypeKind.java
+++ b/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/classfile/TypeKind.java
@@ -25,107 +25,196 @@
- * Describes the types that can be part of a field or method descriptor.
+ * Describes the data types Java Virtual Machine operates on.
+ * This omits {@code returnAddress} (JVMS {@jvms 2.3.3}),
+ * which is only used by discontinued {@link
+ * DiscontinuedInstruction.JsrInstruction jsr} and {@link
+ * DiscontinuedInstruction.RetInstruction ret} instructions,
+ * and includes {@link #VOID void} (JVMS {@jvms 4.3.3}), which
+ * appears as a method return type.
+ * <h2 id="computational-type">Computational Type</h2>
+ * In the {@code class} file format, local variables (JVMS {@jvms 2.6.1}),
+ * and the operand stack (JVMS {@jvms 2.6.2}) of the Java Virtual Machine,
+ * {@link #BOOLEAN boolean}, {@link #BYTE byte}, {@link #CHAR char},
+ * {@link #SHORT short} types do not exist and are {@linkplain
+ * #asLoadable() represented} by the {@link #INT int} computational type.
+ * {@link #INT int}, {@link #FLOAT float}, {@link #REFERENCE reference},
+ * {@code returnAddress}, {@link #LONG long}, and {@link #DOUBLE doule}
+ * are the computational types of the Java Virtual Machine.
+ *
+ * @jvms 2.2 Data Types
+ * @jvms 2.11.1 Types and the Java Virtual Machine
* @since 22
@PreviewFeature(feature = PreviewFeature.Feature.CLASSFILE_API)
public enum TypeKind {
- /** the primitive type byte */
- ByteType("byte", "B", 8),
- /** the primitive type short */
- ShortType("short", "S", 9),
- /** the primitive type int */
- IntType("int", "I", 10),
- /** the primitive type float */
- FloatType("float", "F", 6),
- /** the primitive type long */
- LongType("long", "J", 11),
- /** the primitive type double */
- DoubleType("double", "D", 7),
- /** a reference type */
- ReferenceType("reference type", "L", -1),
- /** the primitive type char */
- CharType("char", "C", 5),
- /** the primitive type boolean */
- BooleanType("boolean", "Z", 4),
- /** void */
- VoidType("void", "V", -1);
+ // Elements are grouped so frequently used switch ranges such as
+ // primitives (boolean - double) and computational (int - void) are together.
+ // This also follows the order of typed opcodes
+ // Begin primitive types
+ /**
+ * The primitive type {@code boolean}. Its {@linkplain ##computational-type
+ * computational type} is {@link #INT int}. {@code 0} represents {@code false},
+ * and {@code 1} represents {@code true}. It is zero-extended to an {@code int}
+ * when loaded onto the operand stack and narrowed by taking the bitwise AND
+ * with {@code 1} when stored.
+ *
+ * @jvms 2.3.4 The {@code boolean} Type
+ */
+ BOOLEAN(1, 4),
+ /**
+ * The primitive type {@code byte}. Its {@linkplain ##computational-type
+ * computational type} is {@link #INT int}. It is sign-extended to an
+ * {@code int} when loaded onto the operand stack and truncated when
+ * stored.
+ */
+ BYTE(1, 8),
+ /**
+ * The primitive type {@code char}. Its {@linkplain ##computational-type
+ * computational type} is {@link #INT int}. It is zero-extended to an
+ * {@code int} when loaded onto the operand stack and truncated when
+ * stored.
+ */
+ CHAR(1, 5),
+ /**
+ * The primitive type {@code short}. Its {@linkplain ##computational-type
+ * computational type} is {@link #INT int}. It is sign-extended to an
+ * {@code int} when loaded onto the operand stack and truncated when
+ * stored.
+ */
+ SHORT(1, 9),
+ // Begin computational types
+ /**
+ * The primitive type {@code int}.
+ */
+ INT(1, 10),
+ /**
+ * The primitive type {@code long}. It is of {@linkplain #slotSize() category} 2.
+ */
+ LONG(2, 11),
+ /**
+ * The primitive type {@code float}.
+ */
+ FLOAT(1, 6),
+ /**
+ * The primitive type {@code double}. It is of {@linkplain #slotSize() category} 2.
+ */
+ DOUBLE(2, 7),
+ // End primitive types
+ /**
+ * A reference type.
+ * @jvms 2.4 Reference Types and Values
+ */
+ REFERENCE(1, -1),
+ /**
+ * The {@code void} type, for absence of a value. While this is not a data type,
+ * this can be a method return type indicating no change in {@linkplain #slotSize()
+ * operand stack depth}.
+ *
+ * @jvms 4.3.3 Method Descriptors
+ */
+ VOID(0, -1);
+ // End computational types
- /** {@return the human-readable name corresponding to this type} */
- public String typeName() { return name; }
- /** {@return the field descriptor character corresponding to this type} */
- public String descriptor() { return descriptor; }
+ /**
+ * {@return the most specific upper bound field descriptor that can store any value
+ * of this type} This is the primitive class descriptor for primitive types and
+ * {@link #VOID void} and {@link ConstantDescs#CD_Object Object} descriptor for
+ * {@link #REFERENCE reference}.
+ */
+ public ClassDesc upperBound() {
- * {@return the code used by the {@code newarray} opcode corresponding to this type}
+ * {@return the code used by the {@link Opcode#NEWARRAY newarray} instruction to create an array
+ * of this component type, or {@code -1} if this type is not supported by {@code newarray}}
* @since 23
+ * @jvms 6.5.newarray <i>newarray</i>
public int newarrayCode() {
- * {@return the number of local variable slots consumed by this type}
+ * {@return the number of local variable index or operand stack depth consumed by this type}
+ * This is also the category of this type for instructions operating on the operand stack without
+ * regard to type (JVMS {@jvms 2.11.1}), such as {@link Opcode#POP pop} versus {@link Opcode#POP2
+ * pop2}.
+ * @jvms 2.6.1 Local Variables
+ * @jvms 2.6.2 Operand Stacks
public int slotSize() {
- * Erase this type kind to the type which will be used for xLOAD, xSTORE,
- * and xRETURN bytecodes
- * @return the erased type kind
+ * {@return the {@linkplain ##computational-type computational type} for this type, or {@link #VOID void}
+ * for {@code void}}
public TypeKind asLoadable() {
- * {@return the type kind associated with the array type described by the
- * array code used as an operand to {@code newarray}}
+ * {@return the component type described by the array code used as an operand to {@link Opcode#NEWARRAY
+ * newarray}}
* @param newarrayCode the operand of the {@code newarray} instruction
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the code is invalid
* @since 23
+ * @jvms 6.5.newarray <i>newarray</i>
public static TypeKind fromNewarrayCode(int newarrayCode) {
- * {@return the type kind associated with the specified field descriptor}
+ * {@return the type associated with the specified field descriptor}
* @param s the field descriptor
* @throws IllegalArgumentException only if the descriptor is not valid
@@ -134,27 +223,27 @@ public static TypeKind fromDescriptor(CharSequence s) {
- * {@return the type kind associated with the specified field descriptor}
+ * {@return the type associated with the specified field descriptor}
* @param descriptor the field descriptor
public static TypeKind from(TypeDescriptor.OfField<?> descriptor) {
--- a/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/classfile/instruction/ArrayLoadInstruction.java
+++ b/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/classfile/instruction/ArrayLoadInstruction.java
@@ -45,7 +45,9 @@
public sealed interface ArrayLoadInstruction extends Instruction
permits AbstractInstruction.UnboundArrayLoadInstruction {
- * {@return the component type of the array}
+ * {@return the component type of the array} The {@link TypeKind#BYTE byte}
+ * type load instruction {@link Opcode#BALOAD baload} also operates on
+ * {@link TypeKind#BOOLEAN boolean} arrays.
TypeKind typeKind();
--- a/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/classfile/instruction/ArrayStoreInstruction.java
+++ b/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/classfile/instruction/ArrayStoreInstruction.java
@@ -45,7 +45,9 @@
public sealed interface ArrayStoreInstruction extends Instruction
permits AbstractInstruction.UnboundArrayStoreInstruction {
- * {@return the component type of the array}
+ * {@return the component type of the array} The {@link TypeKind#BYTE byte}
+ * type store instruction {@link Opcode#BASTORE bastore} also operates on
+ * {@link TypeKind#BOOLEAN boolean} arrays.
TypeKind typeKind();
- csr of
JDK-8339115 Rename TypeKind enum constants to follow code style
- Resolved
- relates to
JDK-8334712 JEP 484: Class-File API
- Closed