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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8339199

Standard library implementation of value classes and objects


    • Icon: CSR CSR
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: P4 P4
    • None
    • core-libs
    • None
    • behavioral
    • high
    • All instances of value classes, including classes like Integer, Optional, and LocalDate, behave differently when using identity-sensitive APIs
    • Java API
    • SE


      Provide library support for value classes and objects, and migrate certain standard classes to be value classes.


      The value classes and objects features are motivated and described by the JEP.

      A runtime environment that supports these features needs some accommodation from the standard libraries, including:

      • Identity-based equality and hash code operations need an alternative behavior for value objects that depends on field values, not identity
      • Synchronization does not make sense for value objects
      • Reflection should support queries about an object's identity, and about new modifiers on classes and fields
      • Serialization must not expose not-yet-initialized value objects when it creates them
      • The garbage collection concept of "reachability" does not make sense for value objects—identical instances can always be reconstructed
      • The class file API should support new modifiers and the new LoadableDescriptors attribute

      In addition, to properly introduce users to the new features, the standard libraries should migrate some commonly-used classes to be treated as value classes (but only in preview mode).


      The following APIs are modified to handle value objects:

      • System.identityHashCode is specified to hash together the class and field values of a value object.

      • The methods of java.lang.Object are indirectly affected by language changes involving == and synchronized, and the revised identityHashCode. Their specifications would benefit, in general, from a direct explanation of their behavior for value objects.

      • A preview exception class, IdentityException, is available to indicate that an object is expected to have identity.

      • java.util.Objects adds preview methods hasIdentity and requireIdentity to help distinguish identity objects from value objects.

      • java.lang.Class, java.lang.reflect.Modifier, and java.lang.reflect.AccessFlag reflect the new value/ACC_IDENTITY and ACC_STRICT flags.

      • ObjectInputStream.readObject and writeObject generally throw an InvalidClassException if the object being serialized/deserialized is an instance of a value class, whether concrete or abstract, with some exceptions for cases like value records and primitive wrapper classes.

      • Instances of java.lang.ref.Reference throw an exception if created for a value object, and WeakHashMap rejects value objects as keys.

      • java.lang.classfile supports new class file modifiers and the new LoadableDescriptors attribute.

      The following classes get preview-only value class variations (no changes to the APIs other than the value modifier):

      • java.lang.Number
      • java.lang.Record
      • All 8 primitive wrapper classes
      • All 4 java.util.Optional* classes
      • 12 java.time classes: Duration, Instant, LocalTime, Year, YearMonth, MonthDay, Period, LocalDate, LocalDateTime, OffsetTime, OffsetDateTime, ZonedDateTime
      • 5 java.time.chrono classes: ChronoLocalDateImpl, MinguoDate, HijrahDate, JapaneseDate, and ThaiBuddhistDate

      A more comprehensive outline of the solution can be found in the JDK-8317279 description.


      Javadoc changes will be attached.

      Changes to the serialization spec will also be attached.

            dlsmith Dan Smith
            dlsmith Dan Smith
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