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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8339700

Test compiler/startup/StartupOutput.java intermittent fatal error: Initial size of CodeCache is too small


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: P3 P3
    • 24
    • 24
    • hotspot
    • b14
    • 24
    • x86_64
    • linux

      fail probability: 6/100

      replay test command:
      export test=test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/startup/StartupOutput.java
      function runJtreg() { jtreg -Xcomp -ea -esa -timeoutFactor:4 -v:fail,error,time,nopass -nr -w $dir/index-$1 $test &> $dir/$1.log ; if [[ 0 -ne $? ]] ; then echo -n "$1 " ; else rm -rf $dir/index-$1 $dir/$1.log ; fi ; } ; export -f runJtreg ; export dir="tmp-jtreg-"`basename ${test##* } .java | sed "s|#|_|"` ; rm -rf $dir ; mkdir -p $dir ; time seq 1000 | xargs -i -n 1 -P `nproc` bash -c "runJtreg {}" ; echo total fail number: `ls $dir/*.log 2> /dev/null | wc | awk '{print $1}'`

      Test log snippet:
      # Internal Error (codeBlob.cpp:413), pid=325431, tid=325470
      # fatal error: Initial size of CodeCache is too small
      # JRE version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment (24.0) (build 24)
      # Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (24, mixed mode, sharing, tiered, compressed oops, compressed class ptrs, g1 gc, linux-amd64)
      # Problematic frame:
      # V [libjvm.so+0x6491e3] RuntimeStub::new_runtime_stub(char const*, CodeBuffer*, short, int, OopMapSet*, bool, bool)+0x293

      jdk build configure:
      bash configure --with-jobs=32 --prefix=/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/install-release --verbose --with-debug-level=release --enable-unlimited-crypto --with-vendor-name=yansendao --with-vendor-url=https://github.com/sendaoYan --with-vendor-bug-url=mailto:yansendao.ysd@alibaba-inc.com --with-vendor-vm-bug-url=mailto:yansendao.ysd@alibaba-inc.com --with-jvm-variants=server --with-boot-jdk=/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/binary-download/jdk-24+12 --with-gtest=/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/googletest-v1.14.x --with-jtreg=/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jtreg --with-jmh=build/jmh/jars --with-version-pre='' --with-version-opt= --with-zlib=system --enable-ccache

        1. core.325431.tar.xz
          18.60 MB
        2. core.325431.tar.xz.zip
          18.29 MB
        3. hs_err_pid325431.log
          69 kB
        4. StartupOutput.java.log
          12 kB

            dfenacci Damon Fenacci
            syan Sendao Yan
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
