Add a new cross-lane operation selectFrom
that selects elements from two vectors forming a table.
For one vector forming a table there exists the selecting cross-lane operation that corresponds to a cross-lane rearranging operation. For two vectors forming a table there exists the cross-lane rearranging operation, but no corresponding selecting operation
Add the missing new cross-lane operation selectFrom
that selects from elements two vectors forming a table.
* Using values stored in the lanes of this vector,
* assemble values stored in the second vector {@code v1}
* and third vector {@code v2}. The second and third vectors thus
* serve as a table, whose elements are selected by indexes
* in this vector.
* This is a cross-lane operation that rearranges the lane
* elements of the argument vectors, under the control of
* this vector.
* For each lane {@code N} of this vector, and for each lane
* value {@code I=wrapIndex(this.lane(N)} in this vector,
* the output lane {@code N} obtains the value from
* the second vector at lane {@code I} if {@code I < VLENGTH}.
* Otherwise, the output lane {@code N} obtains the value from
* the third vector at lane {@code I - VLENGTH}.
* Here, {@code VLENGTH} is the result of {@code this.length()},
* and for integral values {@code wrapIndex} computes the result of
* {@code Math.floorMod(E, 2 * VLENGTH)}, where {@code E} is the index
* to be wrapped. As long as {@code VLENGTH} is a power of two, then the
* result is also equal to {@code E & (2 * VLENGTH - 1)}.
* For floating point values {@code wrapIndex} computes
* {@code Math.floorMod(convert(E), 2 * VLENGTH)}, where {@code convert}
* converts the floating point value to an integral value with the same
* number of representational bits - as in converting a double value to
* a long value (@{code (long)doubleVal}), or a float value to an int value
* (@{code (int)floatVal}).
* In this way, the result contains only values stored in the
* argument vectors {@code v1} and {@code v2}, but presented in
* an order which depends on the index values in {@code this}.
* The result for integral values is the same as the expression
* {@snippet lang=java :
* v1.rearrange(
* this.lanewise(VectorOperators.AND, 2 * VLENGTH - 1).toShuffle(),
* v2)
* }
* when {@code VLENGTH} is a power of two.
* The lane-wise {@code AND} operation results in a vector whose
* elements are in the range {@code [0, 2 * VLENGTH - 1]). The shuffle
* conversion results in a partially wrapped shuffle whose indexes are
* in the range {@code [-VLENGTH, VLENGTH - 1]), where exceptional
* indexes are used to select elements in the third vector.
* @param v1 the first input vector
* @param v2 the second input vector
* @return the rearrangement of lane elements of {@code v1} and {@code v2}
* @see #rearrange(VectorShuffle, Vector)
public abstract Vector<E> selectFrom(Vector<E> v1, Vector<E> v2);
- csr of
JDK-8338023 Support two vector selectFrom API
- Closed
- relates to
JDK-8341374 Improve documentation of selectFrom and rearrange methods
- Open