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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8340343

Structured Concurrency (Fifth Preview)


    • Icon: JEP JEP
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: P4 P4
    • None
    • core-libs
    • Alan Bateman, Viktor Klang, & Ron Pressler
    • Feature
    • Open
    • SE
    • loom at openjdk dot org


      Simplify concurrent programming by introducing an API for structured concurrency. Structured concurrency treats groups of related tasks running in different threads as a single unit of work, thereby streamlining error handling and cancellation, improving reliability, and enhancing observability. This is a preview API.


      Structured Concurrency incubated in JDK 19 via JEP 428 and JDK 20 via JEP 437. It previewed in JDK 21 via JEP 453 with the fork method changed to return a Subtask rather than a Future. It re-previewed in JDK 22 via JEP 462 and JDK 23 via JEP 480.

      We propose to preview the API once more in JDK NN with several API changes. In particular, a <code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743460510763-0.8073773158594953">StructuredTaskScope</code> is now opened via static factory methods rather than public constructors. The zero-parameter <code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743460510763-0.8073773158594953">open</code> factory method covers the common case by creating a StructuredTaskScope that waits for all subtasks to succeed or any subtask to fail. Other policies and outcomes can be implemented by providing an appropriate <code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743460510763-0.8073773158594953">Joiner</code> to one of the richer <code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743460510763-0.8073773158594953">open</code> factory methods.


      • Promote a style of concurrent programming that can eliminate common risks arising from cancellation and shutdown, such as thread leaks and cancellation delays.

      • Improve the observability of concurrent code.


      • It is not a goal to replace any of the concurrency constructs in the java.util.concurrent package, such as ExecutorService and Future.

      • It is not a goal to define the definitive structured concurrency API for the Java Platform. Other structured concurrency constructs can be defined by third-party libraries or in future JDK releases.

      • It is not a goal to define a means of sharing streams of data among threads (i.e., *channels*). We might propose to do so in the future.

      • It is not a goal to replace the existing thread interruption mechanism with a new thread cancellation mechanism. We might propose to do so in the future.


      Developers manage complexity in programs by breaking tasks down into multiple subtasks. In ordinary single-threaded code, the subtasks execute sequentially. However, if the subtasks are sufficiently independent of each other, and if there are sufficient hardware resources, then the overall task can be made to run faster (i.e., with lower latency) by executing the subtasks concurrently. For example, a task that composes the results of multiple I/O operations will run faster if each I/O operation executes concurrently in its own thread. Virtual threads (JEP 444) make it cost-effective to dedicate a thread to every such I/O operation, but managing the huge number of threads that can result remains a challenge.

      Unstructured concurrency with ExecutorService

      The <code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743460510763-0.8073773158594953">java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService</code> API, introduced in Java 5, helps developers execute subtasks concurrently.

      For example here is a method, handle(), that represents a task in a server application. It handles an incoming request by submitting two subtasks to an ExecutorService. One subtask executes the method findUser() and the other subtask executes the method fetchOrder(). The ExecutorService immediately returns a [<code class="prettyprint" >Future</code>] for each subtask, and executes the subtasks concurrently according to the scheduling policy of the Executor. The handle() method awaits the subtasks' results via blocking calls to their futures' <code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743460510763-0.8073773158594953">get()</code> methods, so the task is said to join its subtasks.

      Response handle() throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
          Future<String> user = executor.submit(() -> findUser());
          Future<Integer> order = executor.submit(() -> fetchOrder());
          String theUser = user.get();   // join findUser
          int theOrder = order.get();    // join fetchOrder
          return new Response(theUser, theOrder);

      Because the subtasks execute concurrently, each subtask can succeed or fail independently. (Failure, in this context, means to throw an exception.) Often, a task such as handle() should fail if any of its subtasks fail. Understanding the lifetimes of the threads can be surprisingly complicated when failure occurs:

      • If findUser() throws an exception then handle() will throw an exception when calling user.get() but fetchOrder() will continue to run in its own thread. This is a thread leak which, at best, wastes resources; at worst, the fetchOrder() thread will interfere with other tasks.

      • If the thread executing handle() is interrupted, the interruption will not propagate to the subtasks. Both the findUser() and fetchOrder() threads will leak, continuing to run even after handle() has failed.

      • If findUser() takes a long time to execute, but fetchOrder() fails in the meantime, then handle() will wait unnecessarily for findUser() by blocking on user.get() rather than cancelling it. Only after findUser() completes and user.get() returns will order.get() throw an exception, causing handle() to fail.

      In each case, the problem is that our program is logically structured with task-subtask relationships, but these relationships exist only in the developer's mind.

      This not only creates more room for error, but it makes diagnosing and troubleshooting such errors more difficult. Observability tools such as thread dumps, for example, will show handle(), findUser(), and fetchOrder() on the call stacks of unrelated threads, with no hint of the task-subtask relationship.

      We might attempt to do better by explicitly cancelling other subtasks when an error occurs, for example by wrapping tasks with try-finally and calling the <code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743460510763-0.8073773158594953">cancel(boolean)</code> methods of the futures of the other tasks in the catch block for the failing task. We would also need to use the ExecutorService inside a <code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743460510763-0.8073773158594953">try</code>-with-resources statement, as shown in the examples in JEP 444, because Future does not offer a way to wait for a task that has been cancelled. But all this can be very tricky to get right, and it often makes the logical intent of the code harder to discern. Keeping track of the inter-task relationships, and manually adding back the required inter-task cancellation edges, is asking a lot of developers.

      This need to manually coordinate lifetimes is due to the fact that ExecutorService and Future allow unrestricted patterns of concurrency. There are no constraints upon, or ordering of, any of the threads involved. One thread can create an ExecutorService, a second thread can submit work to it, and the threads which execute the work have no relationship to either the first or second thread. Moreover, after a thread has submitted work, a completely different thread can await the results of execution. Any code with a reference to a Future can join it, i.e., await its result by calling get()) — even code in a thread other than the one which obtained the Future. In effect, a subtask started by one task does not have to return to the task that submitted it. It could return to any of a number of tasks — or possibly none.

      Because ExecutorService and Future allow for such unstructured use they do not enforce or even track relationships among tasks and subtasks, even though such relationships are common and useful. Accordingly, even when subtasks are submitted and joined in the same task, the failure of one subtask cannot automatically cause the cancellation of another: In the above handle() method, the failure of fetchOrder() cannot automatically cause the cancellation of findUser(). The future for fetchOrder() is unrelated to the future for findUser(), and neither is related to the thread that will ultimately join it via its get() method. Rather than ask developers to manage such cancellation manually, we want to reliably automate it.

      Task structure should reflect code structure

      In contrast to the freewheeling assortment of threads under ExecutorService, the execution of single-threaded code always enforces a hierarchy of tasks and subtasks. The body block {...} of a method corresponds to a task, and the methods invoked within the block correspond to subtasks. An invoked method must either return to, or throw an exception to, the method that invoked it. An invoked method cannot outlive the method that invoked it, nor can it return to or throw an exception to a different method. Thus all subtasks finish before the task, each subtask is a child of its parent, and the lifetime of each subtask relative to the others and to the task is governed by the syntactic block structure of the code.

      For example, in this single-threaded version of handle() the task-subtask relationship is apparent from the syntactic structure:

      Response handle() throws IOException {
          String theUser = findUser();
          int theOrder = fetchOrder();
          return new Response(theUser, theOrder);

      We do not start the fetchOrder() subtask until the findUser() subtask has completed, whether successfully or unsuccessfully. If findUser() fails then we do not start fetchOrder() at all, and the handle() task fails implicitly. The fact that a subtask can return only to its parent is significant: It implies that the parent task can implicitly treat the failure of one subtask as a trigger to cancel other unfinished subtasks and then fail itself.

      In single-threaded code, the task-subtask hierarchy is reified in the call stack at run time. We thus get the corresponding parent-child relationships, which govern error propagation, for free. When observing a single thread, the hierarchical relationship is obvious: findUser() (and later fetchOrder()) appear subordinate to handle(). This makes it easy to answer the question, "what is handle() working on now?"

      Concurrent programming would be easier, more reliable, and more observable if the parent-child relationships between tasks and their subtasks were evident from the syntactic structure of the code and also reified at run time — just as for single-threaded code. The syntactic structure would delineate the lifetimes of subtasks and enable a runtime representation of the inter-thread hierarchy, analogous to the intra-thread call stack. That representation would enable error propagation and cancellation as well as meaningful observation of the concurrent program.

      (The Java Platform already has an API for imposing structure on concurrent tasks, namely java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool, which is the execution engine behind parallel streams. However, that API is designed for compute-intensive tasks rather than tasks which involve I/O.)

      Structured concurrency

      Structured concurrency is an approach to concurrent programming that preserves the natural relationship between tasks and subtasks, which leads to more readable, maintainable, and reliable concurrent code. The term "structured concurrency" was coined by Martin Sústrik and popularized by Nathaniel J. Smith. Ideas from other languages, such as Erlang's hierarchical supervisors, inform the design of error handling in structured concurrency.

      Structured concurrency derives from the simple principle that

      If a task splits into concurrent subtasks then they all return to the same place, namely the task's code block.

      In structured concurrency, subtasks work on behalf of a task. The task awaits the subtasks' results and monitors them for failures. As with structured programming techniques for code in a single thread, the power of structured concurrency for multiple threads comes from two ideas: well-defined entry and exit points for the flow of execution through a block of code, and a strict nesting of the lifetimes of operations in a way that mirrors their syntactic nesting in the code.

      Because the entry and exit points of a block of code are well defined, the lifetime of a concurrent subtask is confined to the syntactic block of its parent task. Because the lifetimes of sibling subtasks are nested within that of their parent task, they can be reasoned about and managed as a unit. Because the lifetime of the parent task is, in turn, nested within that of its parent, the runtime can reify the hierarchy of tasks into a tree that is the concurrent counterpart of the call stack of a single thread. This allows code to apply policies, such as deadlines, to an entire sub-tree of tasks, and allows observability tools to present subtasks as subordinate to their parent tasks.

      Structured concurrency is a great match for virtual threads, which are lightweight threads implemented by the JDK. Many virtual threads share the same operating-system thread, allowing for very large numbers of virtual threads. In addition to being plentiful, virtual threads are cheap enough to represent any concurrent unit of behavior, even behavior that involves I/O. This means that a server application can use structured concurrency to process thousands or millions of incoming requests at once: It can dedicate a new virtual thread to the task of handling each request, and when a task fans out by submitting subtasks for concurrent execution then it can dedicate a new virtual thread to each subtask. Behind the scenes, the task-subtask relationship is reified into a tree by arranging for each virtual thread to carry a reference to its unique parent, similar to how a frame in the call stack refers to its unique caller.

      In summary, virtual threads deliver an abundance of threads. Structured concurrency can correctly and robustly coordinate them, and enables observability tools to display threads as they are understood by the developer. Having an API for structured concurrency in the Java Platform will make it easier to build maintainable, reliable, and observable server applications.


      The principal class of the structured concurrency API is <code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743460510763-0.8073773158594953">StructuredTaskScope</code>, in the <code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743460510763-0.8073773158594953">java.util.concurrent</code> package. This class allows developers to structure a task as a family of concurrent subtasks, and to coordinate them as a unit. Subtasks are executed in their own threads by forking them individually and then joining them as a unit. StructuredTaskScope confines the lifetimes of the subtasks to a clear lexical scope in which all of a task's interactions with its subtasks — forking, joining, handling errors, and composing results — takes place.

      Here is the handle() example from earlier, written to use StructuredTaskScope:

      Response handle() throws InterruptedException {
          try (var scope = StructuredTaskScope.open()) {
              Subtask<String> user = scope.fork(() -> findUser());
              Subtask<Integer> order = scope.fork(() -> fetchOrder());
              scope.join();   // Join subtasks, propagating exceptions
              // Both subtasks have succeeded, so compose their results
              return new Response(user.get(), order.get());

      In contrast to the original example, understanding the lifetimes of the threads involved here is easy: Under all conditions, their lifetimes are confined to a lexical scope, namely the body of the try-with-resources statement. Furthermore, the use of StructuredTaskScope ensures a number of valuable properties:

      • Error handling with short-circuiting — If either the findUser() or fetchOrder() subtasks fail, by throwing an exception, the other is cancelled if it has not yet completed.

      • Cancellation propagation — If the thread running handle() is interrupted before or during the call to join(), both subtasks are cancelled automatically when the thread exits the scope.

      • Clarity — The above code has a clear structure: Set up the subtasks, wait for them to either complete or be cancelled, and then decide whether to succeed (and process the results of the child tasks, which are already finished) or fail (and the subtasks are already finished, so there is nothing more to clean up).

      • Observability — A thread dump, as described below, clearly displays the task hierarchy, with the threads running findUser() and fetchOrder() shown as children of the scope.

      StructuredTaskScope is a preview API, disabled by default

      To use the StructuredTaskScope API you must enable preview APIs, as follows:

      • Compile the program with javac --release NN --enable-preview Main.java and run it with java --enable-preview Main; or,

      • When using the source code launcher, run the program with java --enable-preview Main.java; or,

      • When using jshell, start it with jshell --enable-preview.

      Using StructuredTaskScope

      The <code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743460510763-0.8073773158594953">StructuredTaskScope<T, R></code> API, where T is the result type of tasks forked in the scope and R is the result type of the join method, is:

      public class StructuredTaskScope<T, R> implements AutoCloseable {
          public static <T> StructuredTaskScope<T, Void> open()
          public static <T, R> StructuredTaskScope<T, R> open(Joiner<? super T,
                                                                     ? extends R> joiner)
          public <U extends T> Subtask<U> fork(Callable<? extends U> task)
          public Subtask<? extends T> fork(Runnable task)
          public R join() throws InterruptedException
          public void close()

      The general workflow of code using StructuredTaskScope is:

      1. Open a new scope by calling one of the static open methods. The thread that opens the scope is its owner.

      2. Use the <code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743460510763-0.8073773158594953">fork(Callable)</code> or <code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743460510763-0.8073773158594953">fork()</code> methods to fork subtasks in the scope.

      3. Use the <code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743460510763-0.8073773158594953">join()</code> method to join all of the scope's subtasks, as a unit. This may throw an exception.

      4. Process the outcome.

      5. Close the scope, usually implicitly via try-with-resources. This cancels the scope, if it is not already cancelled, and waits for any cancelled subtasks to finish execution.

      In the handle() example, the zero-parameter <code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743460510763-0.8073773158594953">open()</code> factory method creates and opens a StructuredTaskScope that implements the default policy, which is to fail if any subtask fails. Other policies are supported by opening a StructuredTaskScope with a <code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743460510763-0.8073773158594953">StructuredTaskScoped.Joiner</code> that implements the desired policy. Joiner is presented later.

      Each call to the fork method starts a new thread to execute a subtask, which by default is a virtual thread. A subtask can create its own nested StructuredTaskScope to fork its own subtasks, thus creating a hierarchy of scopes. That hierarchy is reflected in the code's block structure, which confines the lifetimes of the subtasks: All of the subtasks' threads are guaranteed to have terminated once the scope is closed, and no thread is left behind when the block exits.

      The join method must be called by the owner from within the scope. If a scope's block exits before joining then the scope is cancelled and the owner will wait in the close method for all subtasks to terminate before throwing an exception.

      After joining, the scope's owner can process the results of the subtasks using the <code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743460510763-0.8073773158594953">Subtask</code> objects returned from the fork(Callable) method. The Subtask::get method throws if called before joining.

      It is possible for a scope's owner thread to be interrupted either before or while joining. For example, it could be a subtask of an enclosing scope that has been cancelled. If this occurs then join() will throw an exception because there is no point in continuing. The try-with-resources statement will then cancel the scope, which will cancel all the subtasks and wait for them to terminate. This has the effect of automatically propagating the cancellation of the task to its subtasks.

      To allow for cancellation, subtasks must be coded so that they finish as soon as possible when interrupted. Subtasks that do not respond to interrupt, e.g. block on methods that are not interruptible, may delay the closing of a scope indefinitely. The <code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743460510763-0.8073773158594953">close</code> method always waits for threads executing subtasks to finish, even if the scope is cancelled, so execution cannot continue beyond the close method until the interrupted threads finish.

      Subtasks forked in a scope inherit ScopedValue bindings (JEP 487). If a scope's owner reads a value from a bound ScopedValue then each subtask will read the same value.

      The structured use of StructuredTaskScope is enforced at run time. For example, attempts to call fork(Callable) from a thread that is not the owner will fail with an exception. Using a scope outside of a try-with-resources block and returning without calling close(), or without maintaining the proper nesting of close() calls, may cause the scope's methods to throw a StructureViolationException.

      StructuredTaskScope enforces structure and order upon concurrent operations. Thus it does not implement the ExecutorService or Executor interfaces since instances of those interfaces are commonly used in a non-structured way (see below). However, it is straightforward to migrate code that uses ExecutorService, but would benefit from structure, to use StructuredTaskScope.


      In the handle() example, the join method throws and the scope fails if any subtask fails. If all subtasks succeed then the join method completes normally and returns null. Other policy and outcome is supported by creating a StructuredTaskScope with a <code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743460510763-0.8073773158594953">StructuredTaskScoped.Joiner</code> that implements the desired policy. A Joiner handles subtask completion and produces the outcome for the join method. Depending on the Joiner, the join method may return a result, a stream of elements, or some other object.

      Some Joiner implementations are suited to subtasks that return results of the same type and where the join method returns a result for the scope owner to process. In these cases, the scope owner may fork and not make use of the returned Subtask object.

      A Joiner may cancel the scope when some condition is reached that does not require the result of subtasks that are still executing. Cancelling the scope prevents new threads from being forked in the scope, interrupts the threads executing subtasks that have not completed, and causes the join method to wakeup with the outcome (result or exception). In the above example, the outcome is that join completes with a result of null when all subtasks succeed. It cancels the scope if any of the subtasks fail, throwing <code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743460510763-0.8073773158594953">FailedException</code> with the exception from the first subtask that failed as the cause. Other Joiner implementations may return an object instead of null and may cancel the scope or throw based on some other policy.

      The Joiner interface defines factory methods to create Joiners for some common cases. Here is an example that uses the factory method <code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743460510763-0.8073773158594953">Joiner.anySuccessfulResultOrThrow()</code> and creates a StructuredTaskScope that yields the result of the first successful subtask:

      <T> T race(Collection<Callable<T>> tasks) throws InterruptedException {
          try (var scope = StructuredTaskScope.open(Joiner.<T>anySuccessfulResultOrThrow()) {
              return scope.join();

      As soon as one subtask succeeds the scope is cancelled, cancelling the unfinished subtasks. The join method returns the result of the successful subtask. If all subtasks fail then join method throws FailedException with the exception from one of the subtasks as the cause. This pattern can be useful in, for example, server applications that require a result from any one of a collection of redundant services.

      Here's another example that uses the factory method <code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743460510763-0.8073773158594953">Joiner.allSuccessfulOrThrow()</code> and creates a StructuredTaskScope that yields a stream of subtasks when all subtasks complete successfully:

      <T> List<T> runConcurrently(Collection<Callable<T>> tasks throws InterruptedException {
          try (var scope = StructuredTaskScope.open(Joiner.<T>allSuccessfulOrThrow())) {
              return scope.join().map(Subtask::get).toList();

      If all subtasks succeed then the join method returns a Stream of the completed subtasks. If any subtask fails then join() throws FailedException with the exception from the failed subtask as the cause. The policy implemented by the Joiner is the same as the default policy when using the zero-parameter open() method. They differ in outcome in that the join() method returns a stream of completed subtasks rather than null, making this Joiner suited for cases where all subtasks return a result of the same type and where the Subtask objects returned by the fork(Callable) method is ignored. In the example, the Subtask elements in the stream are mapped to the result and then accumulated into a List.

      When using a Joiner, it is very important to create a new Joiner for each StructuredTaskScope. Joiner objects should never be shared with different task scopes or re-used after a scope is closed.

      Custom Joiners

      The Joiner interface can be implemented to support custom policies. It has two type parameters: T for the result type of the subtasks executed in the scope, and R for the type of results returned by the join method. The interface is:

      public interface Joiner<T, R> {
          default boolean onFork(Subtask<? extends T> subtask)
          default boolean onComplete(Subtask<? extends T> subtask)
          R result() throws Throwable

      The onFork method is invoked when forking a subtask. The onComplete method is invoked when a subtask completes. Both methods return a boolean to indicate if the scope should be cancelled. The result() method is invoked to produce the result for the join() method when all subtasks completed or the scope is cancelled.

      Here is an example of a Joiner that collects the results of subtasks that complete successfully, ignoring subtasks that fail. The onComplete(Subtask) method may be invoked by several threads concurrently and so must be thread-safe.

      The result() method returns a stream of the task results.

      class CollectingJoiner<T> implements Joiner<T, Stream<T>> {
          private final Queue<T> results = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>();
          public boolean onComplete(Subtask<? extends  T> subtask) {
              if (subtask.state() == Subtask.State.SUCCESS) {
              return false;
          public Stream<T> result() {
              return results.stream();

      This custom policy can be used like so:

      <T> List<T> allSuccessful(List<Callable<T>> tasks) throws InterruptedException {
            try (var scope = StructuredTaskScope.open(new CollectingJoiner<T>())) {
                return scope.join().toList();

      Exception handling

      Many of the details for how exceptions are handled will depend on usage. The join() throws <code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743460510763-0.8073773158594953">FailedException</code> when the scope fails. In the handle() example, and a subtask fails, then FailedException is thrown with the exception from the failed subtask as the cause. In some cases it may be useful to add a catch block to the try-with-resources statement so that the exception handling is done after the scope is closed:

      try (var scope = StructuredTaskScope.open()) {
      } catch (StructuredTaskScope.FailedException e) {
         Throwable cause = e.getCause();
         switch (cause) {
             case IOException ioe -> ..
             default -> ..

      The exception handling may use instanceof with pattern matching to handle specific causes.

      In some cases, a specific exception in a subtask may trigger the use of a default value. It may be more appropriate to catch the exception in the subtask and have it complete with the default value as the result rather than the scope owner handling the exception.


      A StructuredTaskScope may be opened with a function that configures the <code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743460510763-0.8073773158594953">ThreadFactory</code> to create threads, a name for monitoring and management purposes, or a timeout. Here's an example of the runConcurrently method above where a thread factory and timeout are set:

      <T> List<T> runConcurrently(Collection<Callable<T>> tasks,
                                  ThreadFactory factory,
                                  Duration timeout) throws InterruptedException {
          try (var scope = StructuredTaskScope.open(Joiner.<T>allSuccessfulOrThrow(),
                                                    cf -> cf.withThreadFactory(factory)
                                                            .withTimeout(timeout))) {
              return scope.join().map(Subtask::get).toList();

      Each call to the fork method in this scope will invoke the ThreadFactory to create the thread to execute the subtask. This may be useful to set the thread name or other properties. The timeout is provided as a java.time.Duration. If the timeout expires before or while waiting in the join() method then the scope will be cancelled, which cancels all subtasks that have not completed, and join() throws <code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743460510763-0.8073773158594953">TimeoutException</code>.


      We extend the new JSON thread-dump format added by JEP 444 to show StructuredTaskScope's grouping of threads into a hierarchy:

      $ jcmd <pid> Thread.dump_to_file -format=json <file>

      The JSON object for each scope contains an array of the threads forked in the scope, together with their stack traces. The owning thread of a scope will typically be blocked in a join method waiting for subtasks to complete; the thread dump makes it easy to see what the subtasks' threads are doing by showing the tree hierarchy imposed by structured concurrency. The JSON object for a scope also has a reference to its parent so that the structure of the program can be reconstituted from the dump.

      The <code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743460510763-0.8073773158594953">com.sun.management.HotSpotDiagnosticsMXBean</code> API can also be used to generate such thread dumps, either directly or indirectly via the platform <code class="prettyprint" data-shared-secret="1743460510763-0.8073773158594953">MBeanServer</code> and a local or remote JMX tool.

      Why doesn't fork(...) return a Future?

      When the StructuredTaskScope API was incubating, the fork(...) method returned a Future. This provided a sense of familiarity, by making fork(...) resemble the existing [<code class="prettyprint" >ExecutorService::submit</code>] method. However, given that StructuredTaskScope is intended to be used differently from ExecutorService — in a structured way, as described above — the use of Future brought more confusion than clarity.

      • The familiar use of Future involves calling its get() method, which blocks until a result is available. But in the context of StructuredTaskScope, using Future in this way is not only discouraged but is counterproductive. Structured Future objects should be queried only after join() returns, at which point they are known to be completed or cancelled, and the method that should be used is not the familiar get() but rather the newly introduced resultNow(), which never blocks.

      • Some developers wondered why fork(...) did not return more capable CompletableFuture objects instead. Since the Future returned by fork(...) should only be used after it is known to have completed, CompletableFuture would have offered no benefit since its advanced features are helpful only for uncompleted futures. In addition, CompletableFuture is designed for the asynchronous programming paradigm, whereas StructuredTaskScope encourages the blocking paradigm.

        Future and CompletableFuture are, in short, designed to offer degrees of freedom that are counterproductive in structured concurrency.

      • Structured concurrency is about treating multiple related tasks running in different threads as a single unit of work, whereas Future is mostly useful when treating multiple tasks as individual tasks. A scope should block only once to await its subtasks' results, and it should then process exceptions centrally. In the vast majority of cases, therefore, the only method that should be called on a Future returned from fork(...) was resultNow(). This was a marked change from the ordinary use of Future, and the Future interface served as a distraction from its proper use in this context.

      In the current API, Subtask::get() behaves exactly as Future::resultNow() did when the API was incubating.


      • Enhance the ExecutorService interface. We prototyped an implementation of this interface that always enforces structure and restricts which threads can submit tasks. However, we found it to be problematic because most uses of ExecutorService (and its parent interface Executor) in the JDK and in the ecosystem are not structured. Reusing the same API for a far more restricted concept is bound to cause confusion. For example, passing a structured ExecutorService instance to existing methods that accept this type would be all but certain to throw exceptions in most situations.

            alanb Alan Bateman
            alanb Alan Bateman
            Alan Bateman Alan Bateman
            Paul Sandoz
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