
    • generic
    • generic

      This pull request describes the methods of the `Range<T>` interface. The `Range<T>` interface represents a bounded or unbounded ranges. (From now on, range, span and interval are used interchangably, but docs only use "range")

      ### Goals:

      - **Main goal. Standardization of the Range/Interval API:** The primary objective of this effort is to provide a standardized interface for working with ranges or spans of time (or any ordered types). Many existing libraries offer their own custom implementations of ranges, and they differ in significant ways, making it harder to use and combine across different codebases. Standardization will ensure consistency, interoperability, and a more predictable interface across various contexts.

      - **Versatile range operations:** provide a comprehensive API for manipulating and querying ranges, especially those representing time periods or numerical intervals. The API simplifies common tasks like checking containment, overlaps, or adjacency between ranges.

      - **Support for unbounded ranges:** Unlike many existing libraries, which assume intervals are always bounded, this API aims to fully support unbounded intervals. Users will be able to define ranges with open starts or ends, making it suitable for temporal data that spans indefinitely in one direction, such as future projections or historical data with unknown starting points.

      - **Performance efficiency:** The API aims to provide optimized for performance implementation, that takes advantage of all possible simplifications and short-circuits.

      - **Consistency with existing libraries:** To aid adoption, the API should be familiar to developers who have used popular libraries like NodaTime, Joda-Time, Three-Ten Extra, and Boost Date_Time, but with enhancements for unbounded intervals, negative ranges (?), and optional return types instead of null values.

      ### Non-Goals:

      - **Handling complex data structures beyond smple ranges:** This API is not intended to manage or represent complex data structures beyond ranges. For example, ranges that involve intricate internal states, like non-contiguous ranges (?) or ranges with multiple gaps, are out of scope.

      - **Overly simplifying range types:** While ease of use is a goal, its is not an aim to remove support for advanced cases like unbounded or negative ranges, even if this results in slightly more complex implementations. The API should not be skewed towards being purely a simple data structure for bounded ranges.

      - **Application-specific logic:** The API is meant to be domain-agnostic and general-purpose. It is not intended to allow to embed application-specific logic, such as calendar-based date manipulations or domain-specific business rules for interval comparison.

      - **Replacing existing libraries:** The goal is not to replace established libraries like Joda-Time or ThreeTen-Extra, but rather to augment these ideas with support for unbounded ranges and additional arithmetic operations. Although, it is a goal to provide interface that could exisiting libraries could easily retrofit into.

      ### Motivation

      The primary motivation behind standardizing the `Range` API is the **lack of an established, universal interface** for handling ranges or spans across various domains. Developers are often forced to work with different, incompatible range implementations across libraries or to re-implement common functionality themselves. This leads to redundant code, increased dependencies, and greater chances for errors.

      In many software systems—whether in scheduling, auditing, access control, or financial services—ranges are used to represent periods of time, numerical intervals, or validity spans. Without a standardized API, developers must contend with diverse implementations that often differ in naming conventions, behavior, and supported features. These variations create unnecessary complexity, as developers must:

      1. **Introduce additional dependencies**: Many libraries provide similar functionality for ranges, but since they are not interchangeable, developers must often add extra dependencies to cover edge cases or specific use cases that are not available in a single library. This bloats the codebase and creates maintenance overhead.
      2. **Re-implement common logic**: In cases where no single library meets the required needs, developers are forced to write their own range-handling logic. This reinvention of basic operations such as intersection, union, or containment leads to redundancy, increased likelihood of bugs, and inconsistency in how ranges are handled across different parts of the code.

      3. **Fragmentation across domains**: Different libraries often define their own range concepts (e.g., for date-times, numbers, or general comparisons), which are rarely compatible with one another. This lack of compatibility makes integration between systems difficult, requiring custom adapters or conversions.

      By defining a standard `Range` API, the goal is to:

      - **Reduce the dependency footprint:** A common, well-designed API for ranges would eliminate the need to import multiple libraries just to handle different types of ranges, reducing dependencies in projects and enhancing maintainability.
      - **Simplify code and increase reusability:** With a standardized interface, developers can write range-related code once and reuse it across projects and libraries, confident that the same semantics and operations will apply consistently.
      - **Minimize developer errors:** By providing a predictable and well-documented interface, the likelihood of misunderstandings or incorrect use of range operations will decrease. Developers can trust that operations like intersections, unions, and comparisons will behave consistently, regardless of the context.

      In essence, the lack of standardization in range operations creates unnecessary complexity, fragmentation, and redundant effort. A standardized `Range` API would provide clarity, reduce the need for additional dependencies, and enable more efficient, reusable, and error-free code across different projects and domains.

      # Key API points

      ## Support of unbounded intervals

      API supports both one- and two-sided. Provided sample (draft) implementation for` ChronoDateTime` has 4 separate implementation for each type of ranges.

      ### Alternatives

      - Many Libraries, like Luxon, C++ boost, NodaTime and many others, arguably the most, fo not explicitly support unbounded intervals. This reduces complexity of implementation, but takes away many possible optimization for edge-cases. Alternative they propose is to use Instant.MIN and Instant.MAX or similar to create unbounded-like intervals.

      ## Support for negative intervals,

      API supports both positive and negative and positive ranges. This is questionable and discussion is encouraged.

      ### Advantages

      - Allows more flexible usage of API, which would be helpful for use cases like diagrams visualization.

      ### Disadvantages

      - Dramatically increases amount of boilerplate code inside the implementations.
      - Makes behaviour of potential methods like `boolean endsBefore(T t) `unintuitive. Does this mean that end() is before that provided parameter, or latter of bounds (i.e. `start()` for negative range and `end()` for positive).
      - Limited usability scope. Most use cases would not benefit from possibility of negative ranges creation, but would have to suffer performance decrease.

      In general, either there should be support for negative ranges, or ranges might be end-exclusve, but not two at the same time, as having them both together dramatically increases complexity.

      ## `Range` is not `Serializable`

      Currently ranges are not` Serializable`. This is due to difficulties regarding using non-serializable interfaces, like `ChronoDateTIme ` in sample implementation.

      ### Alternatives

      - Restrict range type variable to implement `Serializable`. I see this option as undesiarable bacause of how much it narrows use of interface.

      ## Current interface methods list is minimal

      For now, API proposed contains minimal amount of methods that are used in range arithmetics. List of methods is supposed to change as discussion moves on.

      ## Generic Range class vs Rnage interface + specific inmplementations

      Currently, approach is to define interface and list of implementations.

      ### Advantages

      - Ability to introduce specialized for type of range methods. For example, `Timespan` could have `Duration toDuration()` method, potential `IntegerRange` could have something like `LongRange toLongRange()` dur to limitations of comparability between classes. This would be impossible with structural class Range without declaring additional static utility methods.
      - Enhanced validation of annotaion targets as classes, unlike generics, arent erased.

      ### Disadvantages

      - Increased amount of classes to maintain.
      - Additional considerations would be required before extending Range interface in case if hierarchy non-sealed to ensure backward compatibility.

      # API Description

      ### NB: Since date ranges is supposed to be one of the most popular if not the most popular use case for range, date-time libraries were main reference for interface design.


      ## Section: Bounds

      ### General notes

      - In **Boost Date_Time** (`time_period.begin()`), the start and end are always defined, meaning there is no concept of unbounded intervals. Similarly, some libraries like **Chrono** in Rust assume bounded intervals by default. In fact, only a few libraries expose trully unbound ranges. Although, while complexity of implementation is increased by this corner cases, thier performance also vastly increased by cutting amount of operations in each method at least in half (For two-way unbound interval, almost all operations return constnat value).


      ### `T start()`

      Returns the start of the range. If the range is unbounded at the start, this method throws an `UnsupportedOperationException`. This can be preemptively checked using `isBoundedAtStart()`.

      - Method could return `Optional<T>` instead of throwing an exception. I see this two approaches roughly identical in terms of pros/cons score, so suggestions are much appreciated.


      ### `T end()`

      Returns the end of the range. If the range is unbounded at the end, this method throws an `UnsupportedOperationException`. Use `isBoundedAtEnd()` to check if the range is bounded.

      - Simallarly to start(), method could return `Optional<T>` instead of throwing an exception. I see this two approaches roughly identical in terms of pros/cons score, so suggestions are much appreciated.

      ### `boolean isBoundedAtStart()`

      Returns `true` if the range is bounded at the start. If unbounded, it returns `false`, meaning calling `start()` will throw an `UnsupportedOperationException`.

      - **Joda-Time**, **NodaTime**, **Luxon**, and **Moment.js** do not explicitly support unbounded intervals by default but can use `null` or special values to represent unbounded starts.
      - **Boost Date_Time** and **Chrono** don’t support unbounded ranges directly, so this method is unnecessary.


      ### `boolean isBoundedAtEnd()`

      Returns `true` if the range is bounded at the end. A false value means the range is unbounded at the end, and calling `end()` will throw an `UnsupportedOperationException`.

      - Similar to `isBoundedAtStart()`, most libraries don’t have built-in unbounded intervals, but the concept can be simulated using `null`, minimal/maximal possible value etc. Pros and cons were described in API notes.


      ## Section: boolean operations

      ### `boolean contains(T instant)`

      Returns `true` if the given `instant` falls within the start and end bounds of the range, otherwise returns `false`.

      **Similar Methods in other libraries**:
      - **NodaTime (`Interval.Contains`)**
      - **Joda-Time (`Interval.contains`)**
      - **Luxon (`Interval.contains`)**
      - **Boost Date_Time (`time_period.contains()`)**
      - And many others...

      **Differences with existing APIs**:
      - **Moment.js** doesn’t provide a direct `contains` method but the `moment-range` plugin adds this functionality with `range.contains()`.

      **Note**: this method is present in most interval implementations. Terefore, I concider as basic and unremovable from the API.


      ### `boolean overlaps(Range<? extends T> other)`

      Checks if the current range overlaps with another range. Returns `true` if the two ranges overlap, otherwise returns `false`.

      **Similar Methods in other libraries**:
      - **NodaTime (`Interval.Overlaps`)**
      - **Joda-Time (`Interval.overlaps`)**
      - **Luxon (`Interval.overlaps`)**
      - **Boost Date_Time (`time_period.intersects()`)**
      - And many others...

      **Differences with existing APIs**:
      - **Moment.js**: The `moment-range` plugin provides a similar `overlaps()` method to check overlap.
      - **Chrono** relies on custom interval intersection logic.

      **Note**: this method is present in most interval implementations. Terefore, I concider as basic and unremovable from the API.

      ### General notes on next two methods

      Most of the libraries propose API like `isBefore(T point)` or do not provide methods like this at all. Since current implementation throws an exception if interval is not bounded, trivial check for `isBefore` could become 4-6 lines long. The question basically comes down to whether the Range class should be more data-structure-like or object-like. I would argue that at least `isBefore(T moment)` is required, especially since ranges can be negative currently. Existence of boolean isBefore(Range<? extends T> other)` and similar `isAfter` is up to discussion.

      ### `boolean isBefore(Range<? extends T> other)`

      Returns `true` if the current range is strictly before another range (i.e., ends before the other range starts).

      **Differences with other libraries**:
      - **NodaTime**: You’d manually compare `End` of one interval with the `Start` of another.
      - **Joda-Time**: Manual comparison with `Interval.getEnd()` and `Interval.getStart()`.
      - **Boost Date_Time** and **Chrono** would use custom logic to compare `time_period` or ranges of time, since they don’t have a direct equivalent of `isBefore()`.

      - Most of the libraries propose API like `isBefore(T point)` or do not provide methods like this at all. Since current implementation throws an exception if interval is not bounded, trivial check for `isBefore` could become 4-6 lines long. The question basically comes down to whether the Range class should be more data-structure-like or object-like. I would argue that at least `isBefore(T moment)` is required, especially since ranges can be negative currently


      ### `boolean isAfter(Range<? extends T> other)`

      Returns `true` if the current range is strictly after another range (i.e., starts after the other range ends).

      - **Similar Methods**:
        - Similar to `isBefore()`, manual comparisons are used in **NodaTime**, **Joda-Time**, and **Luxon** an others.


      ### `boolean isBefore(T point)`

      Determines if the span ends before the given point. This is useful when you need to check whether a time span occurs entirely before a specific point.

      - Method could be removed from APi at all, if Range is desired to be skewed towards being data structure.


       ### `boolean isAfter(T point)`

      Determines if the span starts after the given point. This is useful when you need to check whether a time span occurs entirely after a specific point.

      - Similarly to `boolean isBefore(T point)`, method could be removed from APi at all, if Range is desired to be skewed towards being data structure.


      ### `boolean isNegative()`

      Returns `true` if the start of the range is after the end, indicating a "negative" range.

      - if concidered too niche, negatie timespans could be removed from model.

      **Note:** this one is most questionable for me. Do we really need negative ranges? This is most entirely required in numeric ranges and diagrams, while introdcues huge complexity overhead for majority that doesnt need this feature. Negativity might be confusing for users. Would love to hear thoughs on this matter


      ## Section: Range arithmetics

      ### `Optional<Range<T>> intersection(Range<? extends T> other)`

      Returns the intersection of the current range with another range. If the ranges do not overlap, the result is an empty `Optional`. If they overlap, the intersection is returned.

      **Similar Methods**:
        - **NodaTime (`Interval.Intersection()`)**
        - **Moment.js (via `moment-range`, `range.intersect()`)**
        - **Joda-Time (`Interval.overlap()`)**
        - And many others...

      **Differences with existing APIs**:
        - **Boost Date_Time** returns an empty `time_period` if no overlap exists, instead of an `Optional`. Some libraries return `null` (e.g., **NodaTime**).
        - Other libraries return null if intervals arent overlapping. This is undesrable, so optional returned instead.

      **Note**: this method is present in most interval implementations. Terefore, I concider as basic and unremovable from the API.


      ### `Range<T>[] union(Range<? extends T> other)`

      Returns the union of two ranges. If the ranges overlap, the result is a single combined range. If they do not overlap, the result is an array of two separate ranges.

      **Differences with existing APIs**:
        - **NodaTime** and **Joda-Time** support similar logic using custom union handling.
        - **Boost Date_Time** has no built-in `union()` function but you can write custom logic to combine or separate intervals.

      **Note**: Behaviour of this method is up to change. Currently, it returns array for maximal performance, but it can (and most likely should) be wrapped in some monadic class. As an alternative, there may be support for non-continuous ranges (ones with gaps inside them), then this method should return thise kind of range.


      ### `Optional<Range<T>> gap(Range<? extends T> other)`

      Returns the gap between two ranges, if they do not overlap. If they overlap, the result is an empty `Optional`.

      **Differences with existing APIs**:
        - **NodaTime** and **Joda-Time** support custom logic to calculate the gap using `isBefore()`, `isAfter()`, and manual calculations of the gap.
        - Other libraries return null if intervals are overlapping. This is undesrable, so optional returned instead.


      ## Section: potential methods

      ### `boolean isEmpty()`

      Determines if the range is "empty,"

      Empty range is its own, separate type of range (basically opposite of unbounded range). There are many questions regrading this type of range. Is it bounded at start or end? If so, what should `start()` or `end()` return. Them throwing an exception would violate current contract between `IsBoundedAtX()` and 'x()` methods.

      - Returning empty range instead of Optional<Range> might be more user-friendly

      - One more concept in the API model
      - Corner case in `IsBoundedAtX()` and 'x()` contract.

      ### Potential Methods for API Enhancement

      In this section, we explore methods that could be added to the API, comparing them with similar functionality in popular time-related libraries. These methods enhance the versatility and clarity of the `Range<T>` implementation, especially in the context of temporal, numeric, and other domain-specific ranges. Some of these methods are inspired by well-established libraries, while others are novel suggestions.


      ### `boolean encloses(Range<? extends T> other)`

      Checks whether the current range completely encloses another range, i.e., the other range starts after or at the start of the current range and ends before or at the end of the current range.

      - **Similar Methods in Other Libraries**:
        - **NodaTime (`Interval.ContainedBy`)**
        - **Joda-Time (`Interval.contains`)**
        - **Luxon (`Interval.contains`)**
        - **Boost Date_Time (`time_period.contains()`)**

      - **Differences with Existing APIs**:
        - Some libraries handle `encloses()` and `contains()` in the same method. For clarity, this API can separate the two, where `contains()` is used for checking individual points and `encloses()` is for range-level comparison.


      ### `boolean abuts(Range<? extends T> other)`

      Returns `true` if the current range abuts (i.e., touches but does not overlap) with another range. This method is useful when determining whether two ranges are adjacent but do not overlap.

      - **Similar Methods in Other Libraries**:
        - **NodaTime (`Interval.Abuts`)**

      - **Alternatives**:
        - Instead of this method, users could manually compare the `end` of one range and the `start` of another, but including `abuts()` in the API simplifies the logic and reduces error-prone comparisons.


      ### `Range<T> extendTo(T point)`

      Returns a new range that extends the current range to include the given point. If the point is already within the range, it returns the current range. Otherwise, it extends either the start or end, depending on the point's position relative to the range.

      - **Similar Methods in Other Libraries**:
        - **NodaTime** and **Joda-Time** do not have explicit methods for this, but users can manipulate intervals manually.
        - **Moment.js**: The `moment-range` plugin offers similar logic via manual adjustments to the range.

      - **Advantages**:
        - In contrast to manual adjustment, this method automates the process of extending ranges, which can be useful in situations where ranges need to be dynamically modified over time (e.g., expanding time intervals in streaming data).

        - Users could manually adjust the range using `start()` and `end()` "withers", but an explicit `extendTo()` method offers a more intuitive, built-in approach


      ### `Range<T> shrinkTo(T point)`

      Returns a new range that shrinks the current range to exclude the given point, if possible. If the point is within the range, the range is modified so that it no longer includes the point. This is useful for splitting ranges or excluding unwanted time periods or values.

      - **Similar Methods in Other Libraries**:
        No major time libraries provide a direct equivalent to this functionality, although similar operations can be manually performed by manipulating `start` and `end`.

        - Similarly to `extendTo`, users could manually adjust the range using `start()` and `end()` "withers", but an explicit `shrinkTo()` method offers a more intuitive, built-in approach.


      ### `Range<T>[] difference(Range<? extends T> other)`

      Returns the difference between the current range and another range (XOR operations). If the ranges overlap, the result is a new range or two ranges representing the non-overlapping portions. If the ranges do not overlap, the result is the current range.

      - This method simplifies computing the difference between two ranges, reducing the need for manual boundary comparisons.
      - Completes set of methods required for ranges arithmetics

      - THis method is inverse of `union(Range<? extends T> other)`, so it has same design problems as union.


      ### `Range<T> clamp(Range<? extends T> bounds)`

      Clamps the current range to fit within the specified bounds. If the current range extends outside of the bounds, it is shortened to fit within the bounds. If the range already fits within the bounds, it is returned unchanged.

      - This method streamlines the process of adjusting a range to a set of bounds, which is especially useful in time-based operations where ranges must be constrained within specific periods (e.g., scheduling).


      ### `boolean isContiguousWith(Range<? extends T> other)`

      Determines if the current range is contiguous with another range, meaning that the two ranges touch or overlap without leaving any gaps. This is particularly useful when combining ranges or ensuring that a sequence of ranges forms a continuous block.

       - Users could manually compare the `end` and `start` of ranges to check contiguity, but this method offers a more explicit and efficient way to perform the check.


      ### `Optional<Range<T>> asBounded()`

      Returns the bounded version of the current range, if one exists. If the range is already bounded, it returns the range unchanged. If the range is unbounded, the result is an empty `Optional`. Could be used as a monade for handling errors if range that is expected to be bounded, but unbounded one has been recieved.

      - API could explicitly expose BoundedRange marker (or not marker) interface to verify range that is recieved is bounded at compile time. Interface could provide some adapter methods for converting unknown-boundness ranges to bounded, and have specific behaviour for error cases.

      ### `Range<T>[] splitAt(T point)`**

      **Description**: Splits the current range into two sub-ranges at the specified point. If the point lies outside the range, it returns an array of length 1 with initial range. If rang `contains()` point, than array of length 2 is returned, whith two ranges splitted accross given point.

      ### `List<Range<T>> splitInto(int n)`

      Splits the current range into `n` equal sub-ranges. If the range cannot be evenly divided, the last range may be slightly larger to accommodate the remaining span. Throws `UnsupportedOperationException` if range is at least half-unbounded.

      ### `Stream<T> pointsFromStartToEnd(??? step)`

      **Description**: Returns a list of points that are evenly spaced from the start to the end of the range, using the specified step size. Throws `UnsupportedOperationException` if range is `isBoundedAtStart()` returns false.

      **Note:** while this method could have various use cases, It is not clear how step could be provided. One of the options is to pass `Function<T, T>` that is invoked on each value until value is `> end(`) instrad of constant step.

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