The platform implementations of GLDrawable (X11GLDrawable, WinGLDrawable, etc) calls nCreateDrawable which allocates a DrawableInfo in native code with malloc but never frees it.
It's best seen on a sample code (attached) that creates and replaces Scenes on a Stage (which causes the allocation multiple times).
Can be verified with valgrind:
valgrind --leak-check=full --track-origins=yes --show-leak-kinds=all --suppressions=java.supp --log-file=valgrind.log java @<path>/jfx/build/run.args
It's best seen on a sample code (attached) that creates and replaces Scenes on a Stage (which causes the allocation multiple times).
Can be verified with valgrind:
valgrind --leak-check=full --track-origins=yes --show-leak-kinds=all --suppressions=java.supp --log-file=valgrind.log java @<path>/jfx/build/run.args
- links to
Commit(master) openjdk/jfx/1637f775
Review(master) openjdk/jfx/1586