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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8343111

Add getChars(int, int, char[], int) to CharSequence and CharBuffer


    • Icon: CSR CSR
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: P4 P4
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    • core-libs
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      There could exist implementations of CharSequence already having a method with this signature but different semantics. Albeit, this risk should be rather low, as the signature is rather complex and the semantics were published in the JavaDocs of String, StringBuffer and StringBuilder for decades.
      There could exist implementations of CharSequence already having a method with this signature but different semantics. Albeit, this risk should be rather low, as the signature is rather complex and the semantics were published in the JavaDocs of String, StringBuffer and StringBuilder for decades.
    • Java API


      New method CharSequence.getChars(int, int, char[], int) on java.lang.CharSequence to bulk-read characters from a region in the CharSequence into a region of the provided char[].


      CharSequence interface does not provide a bulk-read facility. Some CharSequence implementations do not support bulk-reading at all, while others (like String and CharBuffer) do support bulk-reading but do not share a common method signature to perform it.

      Applications wanting to bulk-read from CharSequence must contain a (theoretically infinite) list of bulk-reading solutions, e. g. (copied from Reader.of(CharSequence) in JDK 24):

      switch (cs) {
          case String s -> s.getChars(next, next + n, cbuf, off);
          case StringBuilder sb -> sb.getChars(next, next + n, cbuf, off);
          case StringBuffer sb -> sb.getChars(next, next + n, cbuf, off);
          case CharBuffer cb -> cb.get(next, cbuf, off, n);
          default -> {
              for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                  cbuf[off + i] = cs.charAt(next + i);

      The motivation for the new method is performance as sequential reading is expensive.


      Add a new method public void getChars(int, int, char[], int) to CharSequence and CharBuffer.


       * Characters are copied from this sequence into the
       * destination character array {@code dst}. The first character to
       * be copied is at index {@code srcBegin}; the last character to
       * be copied is at index {@code srcEnd-1}. The total number of
       * characters to be copied is {@code srcEnd-srcBegin}. The
       * characters are copied into the subarray of {@code dst} starting
       * at index {@code dstBegin} and ending at index:
       * <pre>{@code
       * dstbegin + (srcEnd-srcBegin) - 1
       * }</pre>
       * @param      srcBegin   start copying at this offset.
       * @param      srcEnd     stop copying at this offset.
       * @param      dst        the array to copy the data into.
       * @param      dstBegin   offset into {@code dst}.
       * @throws     IndexOutOfBoundsException  if any of the following is true:
       *             <ul>
       *             <li>{@code srcBegin} is negative
       *             <li>{@code dstBegin} is negative
       *             <li>the {@code srcBegin} argument is greater than
       *             the {@code srcEnd} argument.
       *             <li>{@code srcEnd} is greater than
       *             {@code this.length()}.
       *             <li>{@code dstBegin+srcEnd-srcBegin} is greater than
       *             {@code dst.length}
       *             </ul>
       * @since 24
      public default void getChars(int srcBegin, int srcEnd, char[] dst, int dstBegin)
       * {@inheritDoc}
       * @apiNote This method exists solely to implement
       * {@link CharSequence#getChars(int,int,char[],int)}.
       * It has no additional benefit over {@link #get(int, char[], int, int)}.
       * @implSpec This method is equivalent to
       * {@code get(srcBegin, dst, dstBegin, srcEnd - srcBegin)}.
       * @implNote This method allows for superior performance over the default
       * implementation in {@code CharSequence.getChars()}. It performs a direct
       * buffer-to-array copy of the complete specified region.
       * @since 24
      public void getChars(int srcBegin, int srcEnd, char[] dst, int dstBegin)

            mkarg Markus Karg
            mkarg Markus Karg
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