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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8343155

Examine if huge FFM native tests can be generated


      In a discussion on jdk-dev, Jorn Vernee suggested that two large FFM tests can be generated at build time:


      This relates to these two files:
      6.8M ./test/jdk/java/foreign/libTestUpcallStack.c
      3.5M ./test/jdk/java/foreign/libTestDowncallStack.c

      which are generated by test/jdk/java/foreign/CallgeneratorHelper.java.

      (He also added: "FWIW, we have other examples of test code that is generated by scripts as well, such as test/jdk/java/lang/invoke/VarHandles/generate-vh-tests.sh and various scripts under test/jdk/java/nio/Buffer which invoke SPP. There are probably more cases like that.")

      The first step here is enabling gensrc for native tests; then we can look at the particulars for CallgeneratorHelper.

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            ihse Magnus Ihse Bursie
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