The javac compiler is accepting invalid programs which according to the JLS 23 should be rejected. The javac compiler is not in sync with section §
of the JSL 23. In particular the javac compiler is not able to detect in some cases that a freely extensible class is disjoint from a sealed interface.
The javac compiler is not in sync with section §
of the JLS 23. This implies that code like:
class Test {
sealed interface I permits C1 {}
non-sealed class C1 implements I {}
class C3 {}
I m(int s, C3 c3) {
I i = (I)c3;
is accepted by the javac compiler even when according to the JLS 23 class C3
and interface I
are disjoint as C3
is a freely extensible class and it is disjoint from all the permitted subclasses of interface I
The proposed solution is to sync the javac compiler with section §
of the JSL 23. In particular the algorithm to determine if two types are disjoint should be improved to correctly determine if a freely extensible class is disjoint or not from a sealed interface.
Of note for this CSR are section §5.1.6 Narrowing Reference Conversion
and subsection § Allowed Narrowing Reference Conversion
of the JLS 23. When determining if a narrowing reference conversion exist from a type S to a type T, see §5.1.6
there are cases for which it should be determined if two types are disjoint or not. The
rules for disjointess are defined in subsection §
. We are in particular interested in this text of §
• A class named C is disjoint from an interface named I if (i) it is not the case
that C <: I , and (ii) one of the following cases applies:
– C is final .
– C is sealed , and all of the permitted direct subclasses of C are disjoint
from I .
– C is freely extensible (§, and I is sealed , and C is disjoint from
all of the permitted direct subclasses and subinterfaces of I.
• A class named C is disjoint from another class named D if (i) it is not the case
that C <: D , and (ii) it is not the case that D <: C .
- csr of
JDK-8343306 javac is failing to determine if a class and a sealed interface are disjoint
- Resolved