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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8344242

Technical typos and outdated references in Foreign Function & Memory API guides


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: P4 P4
    • 24
    • None
    • docs
    • None

      There are a couple of places that contain technical typos in the FFM guides:

      1. In here  https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/23/core/slicing-allocators-and-slicing-memory-segments.html#GUID-1BA7C6C3-2090-4202-8EC9-330EAE8BBB9B :
      a) The phrase
       You can also obtain a slice of a memory segment of any location within a memory segment with the method MethodSegment::asSlice

      makes a reference to a class that doesn't exist in the public API. Instead it should be MemorySegment::asSlice .

      b) There is a small typo in this phrase: It then uses a slicing allocator by calling SegmentAllocator.slicingAllocator(MemorySgement).
      The argument should be MemorySegment, not MemorySgement.

      2. In https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/23/core/upcalls-passing-java-code-function-pointer-foreign-function.html#GUID-908061BA-DC97-4524-A390-8FCEF7C5978F
       a) The example uses allocateArray method that doesn't exist anymore for SegmentAllocator and hence unavailable for Arena. As a result, the example doesn't compile. The faulty code:
      // Allocate off-heap memory and store unsortedArray in it
      MemorySegment array = arena.allocateArray(ValueLayout.JAVA_INT, unsortedArray);
      Instead of arena.allocateArray, the example should use arena.allocateFrom (the allocateFrom method that Arena gets by extending SegmentAllocator)

      3. In https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/23/core/checking-native-errors-using-errno.html :
      a) The invokeLog method will not compile because it calls for getUtf8String method on a MemorySegment and the method is not available anymore in the API.

       // Convert errno code to a string message:
        String errrorString = ((MemorySegment) strerror.invokeExact(errno))

      To fix this, the code should call for getString:
      // Convert errno code to a string message:
      String errrorString = ((MemorySegment) strerror.invokeExact(errno))
      b) Once the code compiles, at runtime will throw java.lang.invoke.WrongMethodTypeException: cannot convert MethodHandle(VarHandle,MemorySegment,long)int to (VarHandle,MemorySegment)int.

          // Get more information by consulting the value of errno:
                      int errno = (int) errnoHandle.get(capturedState);

      That happens because the capturedState is missing the base offset :
      // Get more information by consulting the value of errno:
      int errno = (int) errnoHandle.get(capturedState, 0);

      4. There is a small typo in the first example from
      https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/23/core/foreign-functions-that-return-pointers.html#GUID-908061BA-DC97-4524-A390-8FCEF7C5978F. Search for Localte.
      5. In https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/23/core/restricted-methods.html the parenthesis opened to exemplify - (for example - is not closed:

      Once you have an address layout with a given target layout, you can use it in a dereference operation (for example, MemorySegment.get(AddressLayout, long) to resize the segment being read, which is unsafe.

            rgallard Raymond Gallardo
            amihalceanu Ana-Maria Mihalceanu
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            2 Start watching this issue
