There are a couple of places that contain technical typos in the FFM guides:
1. In here :
a) The phrase
You can also obtain a slice of a memory segment of any location within a memory segment with the method MethodSegment::asSlice
makes a reference to a class that doesn't exist in the public API. Instead it should be MemorySegment::asSlice .
b) There is a small typo in this phrase: It then uses a slicing allocator by calling SegmentAllocator.slicingAllocator(MemorySgement).
The argument should be MemorySegment, not MemorySgement.
2. In
a) The example uses allocateArray method that doesn't exist anymore for SegmentAllocator and hence unavailable for Arena. As a result, the example doesn't compile. The faulty code:
// Allocate off-heap memory and store unsortedArray in it
MemorySegment array = arena.allocateArray(ValueLayout.JAVA_INT, unsortedArray);
Instead of arena.allocateArray, the example should use arena.allocateFrom (the allocateFrom method that Arena gets by extending SegmentAllocator)
3. In :
a) The invokeLog method will not compile because it calls for getUtf8String method on a MemorySegment and the method is not available anymore in the API.
// Convert errno code to a string message:
String errrorString = ((MemorySegment) strerror.invokeExact(errno))
To fix this, the code should call for getString:
// Convert errno code to a string message:
String errrorString = ((MemorySegment) strerror.invokeExact(errno))
b) Once the code compiles, at runtime will throw java.lang.invoke.WrongMethodTypeException: cannot convert MethodHandle(VarHandle,MemorySegment,long)int to (VarHandle,MemorySegment)int.
// Get more information by consulting the value of errno:
int errno = (int) errnoHandle.get(capturedState);
That happens because the capturedState is missing the base offset :
// Get more information by consulting the value of errno:
int errno = (int) errnoHandle.get(capturedState, 0);
4. There is a small typo in the first example from Search for Localte.
5. In the parenthesis opened to exemplify - (for example - is not closed:
Once you have an address layout with a given target layout, you can use it in a dereference operation (for example, MemorySegment.get(AddressLayout, long) to resize the segment being read, which is unsafe.
1. In here :
a) The phrase
You can also obtain a slice of a memory segment of any location within a memory segment with the method MethodSegment::asSlice
makes a reference to a class that doesn't exist in the public API. Instead it should be MemorySegment::asSlice .
b) There is a small typo in this phrase: It then uses a slicing allocator by calling SegmentAllocator.slicingAllocator(MemorySgement).
The argument should be MemorySegment, not MemorySgement.
2. In
a) The example uses allocateArray method that doesn't exist anymore for SegmentAllocator and hence unavailable for Arena. As a result, the example doesn't compile. The faulty code:
// Allocate off-heap memory and store unsortedArray in it
MemorySegment array = arena.allocateArray(ValueLayout.JAVA_INT, unsortedArray);
Instead of arena.allocateArray, the example should use arena.allocateFrom (the allocateFrom method that Arena gets by extending SegmentAllocator)
3. In :
a) The invokeLog method will not compile because it calls for getUtf8String method on a MemorySegment and the method is not available anymore in the API.
// Convert errno code to a string message:
String errrorString = ((MemorySegment) strerror.invokeExact(errno))
To fix this, the code should call for getString:
// Convert errno code to a string message:
String errrorString = ((MemorySegment) strerror.invokeExact(errno))
b) Once the code compiles, at runtime will throw java.lang.invoke.WrongMethodTypeException: cannot convert MethodHandle(VarHandle,MemorySegment,long)int to (VarHandle,MemorySegment)int.
// Get more information by consulting the value of errno:
int errno = (int) errnoHandle.get(capturedState);
That happens because the capturedState is missing the base offset :
// Get more information by consulting the value of errno:
int errno = (int) errnoHandle.get(capturedState, 0);
4. There is a small typo in the first example from Search for Localte.
5. In the parenthesis opened to exemplify - (for example - is not closed:
Once you have an address layout with a given target layout, you can use it in a dereference operation (for example, MemorySegment.get(AddressLayout, long) to resize the segment being read, which is unsafe.