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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8344461

Additional cleanup in NewThreadAction


    • b27

      This class is mostly an anachronism left over from it being a Security Manager related privileged action. Even after removal of SM related code, further simplification is possible, such as turning it into a couple simple static methods.

      There are two public constructors for this action, which simply store their values in fields for later use by the run() method. The constructors are:

          NewThreadAction(runnable, name, daemon, user)
          NewThreadAction(runnable, name, daemon)

      The daemon and user parameters are booleans that indicate whether the thread is a daemon thread and whether it is to be created in the user (as opposed to the system, or root) thread group. The second is the same as if the first had been called with a user value of false.

            smarks Stuart Marks
            smarks Stuart Marks
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