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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8344921

jdk/internal/loader/ClassLoaderValue/ClassLoaderValueTest fails due to a JVM crash


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: P4 P4
    • None
    • 19
    • core-libs
    • aarch64
    • os_x

      The jdk/internal/loader/ClassLoaderValue/ClassLoaderValueTest.java test has been intermittently failing for around an year now. The failing error message states:

      > Error. Agent communication error: java.io.EOFException; check console log for any additional details

      This test runs in agent vm mode and it appears that the JVM crashes when this test is running, causing the agent socket communication to be lost and thus a generic error message being reported. The last few sightings of this issue, over the past year, have been reported in https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/CODETOOLS-7903082.

      The first reported sighting appears to be from JDK 19.

      The latest sighting happened a few days back in my one of my personal runs and I was able to capture the core dump of the agent vm process when that happened and confirmed that this crash when the test is in progress.

      So far all these crashes have been noticed only on macosx aarch64 platform.

      The latest failure log shows:

      command: main ClassLoaderValueTest
      reason: Assumed action based on file name: run main ClassLoaderValueTest
      started: Wed Nov 20 01:38:58 GMT 2024
      Mode: agentvm
      Agent id: 30
      Additional exports to unnamed modules from @modules: java.base/jdk.internal.loader
      finished: Wed Nov 20 01:39:09 GMT 2024
      elapsed time (seconds): 11.318
      result: Error. Agent communication error: java.io.EOFException; check console log for any additional details
      test result: Error. Agent communication error: java.io.EOFException; check console log for any additional details

            jpai Jaikiran Pai
            jpai Jaikiran Pai
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