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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8345002

java/awt/doc-files/FocusSpec.html has SecurityManager references


    • Icon: CSR CSR
    • Resolution: Approved
    • Icon: P4 P4
    • 24
    • client-libs
    • None
    • behavioral
    • minimal
    • doc-only
    • Java API
    • SE


      Remove references to SecurityManager from the AWT Focus Specification.


      JEP 486 disabled the Java SecurityManager and updated API specifications which described how they worked with a SecurityManager, but the AWT Focus Specification was overlooked, even though it is part of the javadoc, likely because it lives in an HTML file in the JDK sources


      Update the Focus Specification to remove references to the SecurityManager


      java/awt/doc-files/FocusSpec.html - test is deleted as shown below

      - First note that, because unhindered access to Components in other
      - contexts represents a security hole, the SecurityManager must grant a
      - new permission, "replaceKeyboardFocusManager", before client code is
      - permitted to replace the KeyboardFocusManager with an arbitrary
      - subclass instance. Because of the security check, replacing the
      - KeyboardFocusManager is not an option for applications that will be
      - deployed in environments with a SecurityManager, such as applets in a
      - browser.

      - Once installed, a KeyboardFocusManager instance has - access to the global focus state via a set of protected functions. - The KeyboardFocusManager can only call these functions - if it is installed in the calling thread's context. This ensures - that malicious code cannot circumvent the security check in - KeyboardFocusManager.setCurrentFocusManager. - A KeyboardFocusManager should always work with - the global focus state instead of the context focus state. - Failure to do this will lead to incorrect behavior of the - KeyboardFocusManager.

            prr Philip Race
            prr Philip Race
            Alexander Zuev, Alexander Zvegintsev
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
