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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8348560

Pure Virtual Method Error in jpackage Linux Launcher


      When launching a packaged application using the jpackage command on Linux, the launcher terminates with the following message:
        pure virtual method called
        terminate called without an active exception

      This issue occurs with JDK 21.0.6 but not with JDK 22.0.2 and later version.
      I confirmed that it occurs on RHEL x64 and Amazon Linux 2023 x64

      How to Reproduce:
      1. build jdk21 with configure option "--with-stdc++lib=dynamic" on Linux
      2. packageb java application
         $ javac Sample.java -d classes/
         $ jar -c -f ./input/sample.jar -C ./classes/ .
         $ jpackage --input ./input/ --dest ./output/ --name SampleApp --type app-image --main-jar sample.jar --main-class Sample
      3. run
         $ ./output/SampleApp/bin/SampleApp
         pure virtual method called
         terminate called without an active exception

      I found this issue because the following test fail.

      A similar issue has been reported in JDK-8289195.

            dmarkov Dmitry Markov
            tkiriyama Takuya Kiriyama
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            3 Start watching this issue
