- tc05t001.cpp, 322: Timeout: 300000 msc
[4:22:39.829] Timeout = 300000 msc.
- tc05t001.cpp, 149: Prepare: find tested thread
- tc05t001.cpp, 167: thread #0 (main): 0xfffafc000cb0
- tc05t001.cpp, 167: thread #1 (Reference Handler): 0xfffafc000cb8
- tc05t001.cpp, 167: thread #2 (Finalizer): 0xfffafc000cc0
- tc05t001.cpp, 167: thread #3 (Signal Dispatcher): 0xfffafc000cc8
- tc05t001.cpp, 167: thread #4 (Notification Thread): 0xfffafc000cd0
- tc05t001.cpp, 167: thread #5 (Common-Cleaner): 0xfffafc000cd8
- tc05t001.cpp, 167: thread #6 (MainThread): 0xfffafc000ce0
- tc05t001.cpp, 167: thread #7 (Debuggee Thread): 0xfffafc000ce8
- tc05t001.cpp, 167: thread #8 (JVMTI agent thread): 0xfffafc000cf0
- tc05t001.cpp, 88: MonitorWait event:
- tc05t001.cpp, 89: thread: 0xfffb08011e40, object: 0xfffb08011e48, timeout: 1
- tc05t001.cpp, 91: time: 240650128572506
- tc05t001.cpp, 93: thread CPU time: 4390720
- tc05t001.cpp, 127: MonitorWaited event:
- tc05t001.cpp, 128: thread: 0xfffb08011e40, object: 0xfffb08011e48, timed_out: true
- tc05t001.cpp, 130: GetTime: 240650146573140
- tc05t001.cpp, 132: thread CPU time: 21145120
[4:22:39.867] Debugee finished
- tc05t001.cpp, 257: Number of MonitorWait events: 1
- tc05t001.cpp, 262: Number of MonitorWaited events: 1
- tc05t001.cpp, 267: Time frame between the events: 18000634 ns
- tc05t001.cpp, 279: Thread CPU time between the events: 16754400 ns
The following fake exception stacktrace is for failure analysis.
nsk.share.Fake_Exception_for_RULE_Creation: (tc05t001.cpp:281) (waitedThreadCpuTime - waitThreadCpuTime) < (EXPECTED_ACCURACY * 1000000)
at nsk_lvcomplain(nsk_tools.cpp:172)
# ERROR: tc05t001.cpp, 281: (waitedThreadCpuTime - waitThreadCpuTime) < (EXPECTED_ACCURACY * 1000000)
# verified assertion is FALSE
waitedThreadCpuTime: 21145120, waitThreadCpuTime: 4390720, waitedThreadCpuTime - waitThreadCpuTime: 16754400
So the CPU time was > 16ms and the threshold is 10ms.
Seems to be a one-of anomaly so far.
- tc05t001.cpp, 322: Timeout: 300000 msc
[4:22:39.829] Timeout = 300000 msc.
- tc05t001.cpp, 149: Prepare: find tested thread
- tc05t001.cpp, 167: thread #0 (main): 0xfffafc000cb0
- tc05t001.cpp, 167: thread #1 (Reference Handler): 0xfffafc000cb8
- tc05t001.cpp, 167: thread #2 (Finalizer): 0xfffafc000cc0
- tc05t001.cpp, 167: thread #3 (Signal Dispatcher): 0xfffafc000cc8
- tc05t001.cpp, 167: thread #4 (Notification Thread): 0xfffafc000cd0
- tc05t001.cpp, 167: thread #5 (Common-Cleaner): 0xfffafc000cd8
- tc05t001.cpp, 167: thread #6 (MainThread): 0xfffafc000ce0
- tc05t001.cpp, 167: thread #7 (Debuggee Thread): 0xfffafc000ce8
- tc05t001.cpp, 167: thread #8 (JVMTI agent thread): 0xfffafc000cf0
- tc05t001.cpp, 88: MonitorWait event:
- tc05t001.cpp, 89: thread: 0xfffb08011e40, object: 0xfffb08011e48, timeout: 1
- tc05t001.cpp, 91: time: 240650128572506
- tc05t001.cpp, 93: thread CPU time: 4390720
- tc05t001.cpp, 127: MonitorWaited event:
- tc05t001.cpp, 128: thread: 0xfffb08011e40, object: 0xfffb08011e48, timed_out: true
- tc05t001.cpp, 130: GetTime: 240650146573140
- tc05t001.cpp, 132: thread CPU time: 21145120
[4:22:39.867] Debugee finished
- tc05t001.cpp, 257: Number of MonitorWait events: 1
- tc05t001.cpp, 262: Number of MonitorWaited events: 1
- tc05t001.cpp, 267: Time frame between the events: 18000634 ns
- tc05t001.cpp, 279: Thread CPU time between the events: 16754400 ns
The following fake exception stacktrace is for failure analysis.
nsk.share.Fake_Exception_for_RULE_Creation: (tc05t001.cpp:281) (waitedThreadCpuTime - waitThreadCpuTime) < (EXPECTED_ACCURACY * 1000000)
at nsk_lvcomplain(nsk_tools.cpp:172)
# ERROR: tc05t001.cpp, 281: (waitedThreadCpuTime - waitThreadCpuTime) < (EXPECTED_ACCURACY * 1000000)
# verified assertion is FALSE
waitedThreadCpuTime: 21145120, waitThreadCpuTime: 4390720, waitedThreadCpuTime - waitThreadCpuTime: 16754400
So the CPU time was > 16ms and the threshold is 10ms.
Seems to be a one-of anomaly so far.