
      Some very old JMX System Properties have been removed. These were compatibility aids that were intended as transitional, for later removal. New behaviour will be the same as current behaviour with the property unset. The removals are:

      `jmx.extend.open.types` which was provided to aid compatibility, since overriding javax.management.openmbean.OpenType.getClassName() was made illegal in JDK 6.

      `jmx.invoke.getters` introduced in JDK 6 for compatibility with code which depended on previous incorrect behaviour, calling invoke on getters and setters.

      `jdk.jmx.mbeans.allowNonPublic` which was introduced in JDK 8 for compatibility with previous incorrect behaviour where it was not enforced that MBean and MXBean interfaces must be public.

      `jmx.mxbean.multiname` which was introduced in JDK 7 for compatibility with code which may have depended on previous incorrect behaviour relating to multiple registrations of an MXBean object.

      `jmx.tabular.data.hash.map` which was for compatibility with JDK 1.3 clients due to use of LinkedHashMap.

      `jmx.remote.x.buffer.size` as a System Property and a JMX environment property. The correct name was always `jmx.remote.x.notification.buffer.size` and was correct from JDK 6, but the alternate name was recognised to aid compatibility.

            kevinw Kevin Walls
            kevinw Kevin Walls
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