The following two tables are used to remember the "scratch" copies of different types of Java heap objects.
MetaspaceObjToOopHandleTable* HeapShared::_scratch_java_mirror_table = nullptr;
MetaspaceObjToOopHandleTable* HeapShared::_scratch_references_table = nullptr;
However, an object cannot be in both tables. So we can just combine the two tables into one.
MetaspaceObjToOopHandleTable* HeapShared::_scratch_java_mirror_table = nullptr;
MetaspaceObjToOopHandleTable* HeapShared::_scratch_references_table = nullptr;
However, an object cannot be in both tables. So we can just combine the two tables into one.
- links to
Commit(master) openjdk/jdk/b6e2d66c
Review(master) openjdk/jdk/23876