Add the option 'report-on-exit' to -XX:StartFlightRecording so that summary reports, aka 'jfr views', are written when the JVM exits.
To get a summary view from the 'jfr' tool, users must first specify a filename with -XX:StartFlightRecording to dump a recording file to disk when the JVM exits. Next, they must run the 'jfr' tool against that recording file to display a summary, such as the hot-methods view. Finally, they must delete the file unless they want to keep it for other things.
Example workflow:
$ java -XX:StartFlightRecording:filename=dump.jfr ...
$ jfr view hot-methods
$ rm dump.jfr
This process is unnecessarily cumbersome.
Allow users to specify the name of the 'jfr view' directly with -XX:StartFlightRecording to have it printed automatically when the JVM exits. It eliminates the need to specify a filename, run a separate tool, and delete the file afterward.
Example workflow:
$ java -XX:StartFlightRecording:report-on-exit=hot-methods ...
If JFR records data to memory (which occurs when disk=false is specified), generating the report is impossible unless the data is first copied to disk. Although it is technically possible to implement a mechanism to copy the data from memory to disk before generating the report, this would override the user's explicit choice, so -XX:StartFlightRecording will not accept report-on-exit in combination with disk=false. Instead, the JVM will fail to start and print an error message.
diff --git a/src/java.base/share/man/ b/src/java.base/share/man/
index 32280f2c516..987dbf64159 100644
--- a/src/java.base/share/man/
+++ b/src/java.base/share/man/
@@ -1447,6 +1447,12 @@ ## Advanced Runtime Options for Java
the potential leaking object was allocated is included in the
information collected.
+ `report-on-exit=`*identifier*
+ : Specifies the name of the view to display when the Java Virtual Machine
+ (JVM) shuts down. This option is not available if the disk option is set
+ to false. For a list of available views, see `jfr help view`. By default,
+ no report is generated.
: Specifies the path and name of the event settings file (of type JFC).
By default, the `default.jfc` file is used, which is located in
- csr of
JDK-8351266 JFR: -XX:StartFlightRecording:report-on-exit
- Resolved