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  1. Java Mission Control
  2. JMC-4655

Filter does not affect slaved components


      When editing filters for a table, slaved tables and charts are not updated.

      • Open a flight recording (e.g. java2d_demo)
      • Go to Exceptions page
      • Show the filter editor for the class table
      • Add filter from attribute "class" - note that the first table is updated but that the second and the timeline graph are not
      • Select the one shown row in the class table - now the second table and the graph /is/ updated
      • If you deselect (control+click) the row again then the second table and the graph again show all events

      It can be argued that this is by design - that the filter only applies to its wrapped table - but I think this behavior is unintuitive.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            owestin Ola Westin
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