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  1. Java Mission Control
  2. JMC-7201

JdkAttributes.OS_SWITCH_RATE does not work consistently across JFRs from different JDK versions.


        The attribute switch rate has different units in flight recordings from different versions of JDK.


        For ex: Flight recordings from JDK 7 and JDK 8 are shown as Number whereas from JDK 11 and JDK 16 are shown as frequency. Screenshots attached.


        When we use JMC Core APIs, the attribute switchRate is not available for JFRs recorded using JDK 11 and above.

          1. JDK11FlightRecording.png
            189 kB
            Suchita Chaturvedi
          2. JDK16FlightRecording.png
            186 kB
            Suchita Chaturvedi
          3. JDK7FlightRecording.png
            191 kB
            Suchita Chaturvedi
          4. JDK8FlightRecording.png
            190 kB
            Suchita Chaturvedi

              schaturvedi Suchita Chaturvedi
              shadowbug Shadow Bug
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