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  1. Java Mission Control
  2. JMC-7870

JMC 8.3.0 Update Site Pages require changes


      The links, JMC, and Eclipse version numbers change on the Update Site pages.


      Note: If you are looking for the update site for the eclipse plug-in version of Mission Control, go to theeclipse update site.


      • Requires JDK Mission Control RCP (stand alone) Edition 8.2.0


      • Requires Eclipse 4.20 or later.
      • Requires any previously installed versions of JMC 4.x, 5.x, 6.x or 7.x to be uninstalled before installing JMC 8.
      • Note that you need to run your Eclipse on a JDK (version 11 or above) installation for all features to work. For more information on this, please see the Run Eclipse on JDK HOWTO.
      • JConsole plug-in support for the Management Console.

      Unable to render embedded object: File (8AAK4fDwAAACH5BAAAAAAALAAAAAAJAAkAAAIRlI pAivREJgQhQuCyks7VAAAOw==) not found. Newsgroup

      JDK Mission Control is a set of plug-ins for Eclipse 4.20 or later.



      Note: If you are looking for the update site for the stand alone version, go to the rcp update site.


      • Requires JMC 8.2.0 (running in Eclipse).
      • Requires Eclipse 4.21 or later.
      • Requires Eclipse running on JDK 11 or above.


      Step-by-Step Instructions

      Before starting, make sure that you have downloaded and installed Eclipse 4.21 or later and installed the JDK Mission Control base Plug-ins.


      Fill in the following URL in the Work with: text field:




            vpurnam Virag Purnam
            bbanathur Bipin Banathur
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